Kittens desperately need good homes-WI


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Ladysmith, WI
I had taken in a stray mama cat a few months ago. She was pregnant. She gave birth to 7 kittens-two orange striped, three black, one tiger-striped, and one with patches of color. I have had no luck finding homes for any of them yet, and my hubby has gotten VERY fed up. He said if I dont find them homes SOON, he will relocate them his own way:(. And that has me very upset. Please, if anyone out there can give an adorable kitten a good home, please, please contact me. I am willing to drive to meet if need be. Our shelters are all full where I live and they are starting to euthanize, so I cannot, and will not take them there! They are the CUTEST, SWEETEST little kittens you will ever meet! If you can help give them a home, or know of someone who can, please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you!

I'd relocate the husband! (sorry!)

Tiffany, you have a good heart - thanks for helping the mama and kittens.

Have you tried putting flyers with photos and descriptions in really good veterinary offices? I've had some good luck with finding decent humans via veterinary office flyers. I also actually had luck finding a stellar human for one of my feral rescues by placing flyers in quality coffee shops in very nice towns. It can be a great way to find quality homes. I do extremely thorough screening (including home visits) for my rescues because I've found it necessary in this crazy troubled world (I have met countless wackos in attempts to find good homes, people who come across normal at first meeting but who really are not
) and so I have come to find out what methods of finding good folks seem to work best.

I will e-mail your note to a friend in Wisconsin and ask her to circulate for you. She's in Madison - not sure how far you are from there but I'm sure she knows folks in various parts of the state.

How old are the kittens? Ideally, they should be with their mom for 10-14 weeks. The ones who are separated at 6 or 8 weeks are typically not nearly as well adjusted. Tell hubby that if they're still too young!

All the best

Tiffany, I feel for you. I have a similar situation here. I have 7 to find homes for as well. DH will not "relocate" them, however they will be turned outside. They have a barn, heated pad and water dish as well as food.But I feel they deserve a nice warm lap to cuddle on and not be outside to fend for themselves. I have tried signs, word of mouth and newspaper ads. Nothing! So if anyone in MT is looking for kittens please let me know. Good Luck Tiffany. Let me know how it goes. Tanya
ty so much for the replies-and the good thoughts! The kittens are about 8 weeks old. we have decided they will be turned to the barn til we can find homes. I got a reply from my craigslist ad and i think the lady will be coming to look at my babies tomorrow. jj, madison is four hours from me, but ty so much for helping to get the word out-every little bit helps! No high-end coffee shops around these parts though-little tiny rural area i live in. They so deserve a warm lap to cuddle on, so I am so hoping i can find homes for all of them!
Since it's ideal for the mom and the kittens if they stay together for 10-14 weeks (she teaches them different and ne wlessons each week), you still have a little time.....though it is a project and a half to arrange meetings and screen folks and the time will go quickly, after which they become less adoptable because people are annoyingly fussy about wanting kittens and not older kitties. The more tame you can keep them until the right homes come along the easier they will be to adopt. I have the hardest time with my feral rescues. The kittens will need to be easily rounded up for meetings with people so you can observe the kittens with them and vice versa. I don't know how you'll be able to do that in a barn situation but maybe you're way ahead in having that figured out!

Hopefully there's at least vet's offices in your vicinity? Flyers with photos there can do wonders. While this doesn't guarantee good souls will call you, you might also consider putting flyers up on church bulletin boards or other such places where some good folk might see it. Adopting 2 per home would also help since you have SO MANY!- so much better for the kittens too (much less trauma and separation anxiety), so you can note on the flyer that some of the babies are best buddies and you would love to adopt out in pairs if possible.

I understand your predicament totally. My Samantha was a very pregnant stray when I found her - thankfully she only had 5 kittens (and I thought that was a lot!) - it tooks 10-14 weeks of steady effort to find decent homes, and weeks off of work interviewing, posting flyers, e-mailing everyone in creation, etc etc.! I thought I was going to end up keeping every last one of those precious babies (and I already had my hands full with pets). I met all manner of nutjobs who wanted the cats (some of whom seemed normal at first meeting but whose true nature was revealed upon further probing, and reference checks..) and had to weed them out. Eventually 4 of the kittens were adopted in pairs, and 1 marvelous home took 1. I kept the mom. All got spayed/neutered of course... I stayed in touch with the families for one full year, in case they needed help or changed their minds - all was still well by the end of that year. I hope it still is.

I am sending tons of best wishes your way - you have an important and very challenging task at hand and it's so good of you to want the best for these munchkins.


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