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- #11
The quickest and most direct way to deal with unwanted wild birds is to prevent them from accessing the chicken feed. Sparrows and doves found the chicken feed in my coop, which was not visible from the outside, and were eating more than my chickens. I would have dozens and dozens of sparrows inside my small coop at any given time before I removed the food and took other measures to limit their access to the coop (see details on "my coop" page). My wild bird problem was largely eliminated once I built a treadle feeder. Once the wild birds couldn't access the food, their numbers visiting the yard greatly decreased. It also had the added benefit of limiting loss of chicken feed to wild birds and rodents while allowing the chickens free access to food. There are other auto-feeder designs that are easier and cheaper to construct. The trigger/lever activated bucket feeders are well reviewed and can be seen in this thread. Also see post #10 & #13 in this thread for a very cleaver auto-feeder design. I would point out that the success of these types of feeders depends on training the chickens to use them.
Thanks for this! The trigger feeder especially seems good for my situation. I'll have to send the treadle feeder plans and video to my poor husband. He's the build-it-on-demand guy around here, and a pretty good sport about my little chicken problem.