Lame chicken


In the Brooder
Sep 10, 2024
Hello. My little silkie was a bit wobbly a few weeks ago and I took her to the vet who said she was a bit under weight.
She seemed to correct herself and I gave her extra meal worms etc.

Today I have noticed she is lame on one foot. I read it may be due to worms or mite.

I have never wormed them and the two I have are both 4 years old.
How do I go about that please because now I’m thinking I should do it anyway as I didn’t realise they needed worming!!

Also any other thoughts re the lameness? I’m wondering if she has hurt herself or something, and if her falling when she shook herself a few weeks back is related.

I really want her to be well ans I am panicking that I have done something wrong in my care of her.
Worms probably has not caused her lameness. It would not harm her to worm her with Valbazen or SafeGuard liquid goat wormer though. Valbazen dosage is 0.08 ml per pound given orally, and then repeat it in 10 days. SafeGuard dosage is 0.25 ml per pound given orally for 5 consecutive days.

Can you examine her sore leg and look for any scab on her foot pad, or for any green bruising, redness, or swelling of the entire leg and joints. Limiting jumping and running for a few weeks might help. Sometimes they may need to be confined inside a dog crate with food and water, but if she is limiting her activity already, that might not be necessary. I recommend using human vitamin B complex tablet 1/4-1/2 tablet daily which can be crushed and added to a treat of egg or food.
Thanks so much. I’m not a confident chicken owner as birds seem so delicate. I will check out the wormers. And B vits. Many thanks. 🙏🏼

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