Lame question alert--Just how DO you hang a head of cabbage??

Yep, should work fine. Just screw it into the core and hang it about head high.
Oh Thank you,, thank you everybody!!!!

I'm off to walmart to find maybe some screwdrivers, a knitting needle, suet cages, hooks, maybe an apple corer & some cabbage!!

I do have a 357 magnum, but dont think it would be wise for me to attempt to shoot a hole through it......
LMAO shooting a hole through just makes me think of some of my crazy neighbors I bet they'd do something like that.

just get some hooks and anything long and pointy to drive a hole in it.
steel bamboo skewers would work too, I know you can get like 2 or 3 of those in a pack for about 3$ at wal-mart, they'd work too, you could even use the skewer halfway through and just secure the skewer to the top or side of cage.
I use a metal clothes hanger. I cut either the left or right side of the hanger, straighten it out so it's one long piece of wire & cut the other end off. Then I shove it through the whole cabbage. When the hanger is all the way through the cabbage I shape the end of the hanger like the letter "J" & push it up into the bottom of the cabbage. I keep the top part of the hanger/hook intact and that's what I attach a piece of string to and then hang it where ever I want. Hope all that made sense.
I also use a metal coat hanger. I don't thread it all the way through, but pierce the core end through. I then twist the "pointy" end back onto itself, making what would look like a hangman's noose with the core of the cabbage threaded through it. I then make another loop or noose at the other end and hang it from a shepards hook (like the ones you hang flowing baskets from). This allows the head of cabbage to be at eye level or just above for the chickens to peck, and sometimes jump and peck at. This will keep them occuppied for about a day, then all that is left on the noose is the small core!

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