Lol, that guy on my arm was "Bugly". He had Bumblefoot, survived and thrived, and was fertile after treatment, so he had a good go at spreading his genes, and one of his sons will go in one of my breeding-pens this year. You see, I breed my (Croad) Langshans a bit special, I breed them for utility, not shows. I breed from hens that lay near enough 200 eggs in their year, and cockerells from those hens. It does not mean I dont select for type, and I would not breed from an animal witch is not right, the Standard is being used. But it is surprising what proportion of the best layers that also are the best lookers, and the best, biggest boyos breeds best. I have virtually 100% fertillity, because i only give each boyo 2-3-4 wives, and I always keep one boyo more than pens, so I can rotate them if they seem to lose interrest in any of the hens.