Large yolks, even in small eggs?


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Hillsborough, NC USA
One thing I have noticed with our eggs, is that the yolks are larger in most of our backyard chicken eggs, in addition to being much a nice deep orange rather than light yellow. Even some of the smaller eggs seem to have a large yolk. Does anyone else see that too? I used some store eggs last week, and the first thing I noticed was that the yolks looked really small to me, and pale.
Yes, I find large yolks in even the smallest of my pullet eggs.

The orange yolks are the result of beta carotene. Most backyard flocks get lots of greens. Greens and corn produce orange yolks.
I hardly ever get double yolkers, but get a ton of huge yolks eggs from all of my chickens. Cracked corn is in their feed and they are free ranged in about an acre and much of it is meadow.
One of my ISA hens lays a double yolker everyday, the odd time I'll get a single yolker but usually its a double. She's my sweet girl

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