Larkwell Valley (2023)

Probably both, but preferably hatch out their own.

Honestly though I think it will be more that I give broody calls eggs from other pens and just incubate my calls myself. I won't be hatching many and will almost certainly just process the males, so I probably won't have very many. Likely just 22-44 tops each season if I only incubate
Also wanted to add that even though he's staying because of his bill, it won't be a focus for my breeding. I'm more just after the small size and round head than the short bills. But he's too nice to potentially send in for processing so he's staying. Might see if a local breeder is interested in trading males next year. She wanted some of my extras for new blood until I said I only had males
Just out of curiosity, why would you process a Call? There's not enough on the to make it worth it. :)
Because I have to do something with the male's, and unfortunately people here just don't want male's because they already have too many males for the most part. I still have my 2 extra male's from this batch, and the only people that have contacted me about them are people looking for females to add to their own male heavy flocks. Really no different than processing bantam chickens
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@RossAcres , what do you think of this little male? He's definitely got the nicest bill of my 3 I have currently, which is why I'm holding onto him.View attachment 3944278View attachment 3944280View attachment 3944281View attachment 3944282View attachment 3944283View attachment 3944284
What a cutie! He has a great bill. It's a little dark, but I'm sure the apple color will come in as he matures. One thing that stuck out to me is that his crown could be more rounded as opposed to following the line of his bill.
What a cutie! He has a great bill. It's a little dark, but I'm sure the apple color will come in as he matures. One thing that stuck out to me is that his crown could be more rounded as opposed to following the line of his bill.
Okay, and not to sound like a complete idiot, by crown do you mean the top of his head? Or is that part of the bill in ducks?

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