Larkwell Valley (2023)

Miss Kitty and Jack are at least a year now I think, since they were here last winter. Miss Big Tort is probably at least 1 as well, she doesn't look gangly like the other Miss does, or like Jack did last year, but I know some cats are just more box shaped too.

So short answer, no, but I'd guess between 6 and 18 months at a minimum, but they could be a couple years honestly. The only reason we even know our neighbor got cats is because they started showing up and we watched them go to his garage occasionally
Given that estimate of age, if you haven't already seen kittens, I think there is a good chance she has been spayed.
Miss Big Tort here. She was willing to tolerate me petting her a little today while she munched in some horse pellets (yes, I know not the best thing, but I didn't want to chase her away and she only ate like 4 or 5 really) so she definitely isn't as spookish as she was before she got stuck. She felt really good though, thick healthy fur and she definitely wasn't skinny, so she's eating well between me, the mice and any food that our neighbor leaves for her when he's home from his routes.
Hasn't been great the last week. Lost potato a few days ago. Think/hope it was heart failure and just a one off.

Moose is missing too. I'm pretty certain what got Romero got him since there's not a single sign of him and last I saw was before I ended up coming home a few hours after sunset, which is when this thing seemed to strike. Had hoped it moved on since /he last bird since it's been a while, but I guess not. Can't find the camer either so there's that. I'm hoping Moose shows up, but he's not exactly easy to miss as it is

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