Lash egg?? Please help!


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2024
I was examining and bandaging my pullet Muppet, I had noticed she had a droopy-looking wing and when I checked her out, I couldn’t feel any broken bones or swelling, but in case it was a sprain I bandaged her wing anyway. Almost certain it was caused by my teenage cockerel being too rough with her. That’s not really my biggest worry though.

While I was bandaging her, I noticed something hard and whitish poking out of her vent. After feeling around, it wasn’t egg-shaped, more like the shape of a pill but about and inch and a half long, and it seemed like it was stuck. With a gentle finger and plenty of lubricant I got it out of her, although it broke in the process.

Gross picture warning!


It was firm and rubbery but kind of dry, almost flaky, and there was some blood inside it. It had no odor whatsoever.

The pullet in question is acting pretty normal, eating and moving around fine - she can even move her sprained wing by herself. I put her in a hospital crate in my house. Muppet is about 6months old and I’m pretty sure she just recently started laying. She was from the first clutch of eggs I ever hatched myself, and I know what lash eggs usually mean so I’m pretty upset right now.

What should I do next? Should I give her antibiotics? I have Tylan and Penicillin on hand right now. Anything else I should do? Please help!


Here’s Muppet with her droopy wing, I was going to make a separate post about it but it’s the least of her worries right now. Poor baby.
Yes, that looks like a lash egg a product of salpingitis (inflammation of the oviduct.) Antibiotics such as amoxicllin or enrofloxacin may help. Since you have penicillin, go ahead and start that. I wouldn’t worry about her droopy wing at this time. It may be injured or it could be a symptom of an injury something else. Is her lower belly enlarged, firm or spongy, or is there fluid inside it? Has she been laying eggs recently?
Yes, that looks like a lash egg a product of salpingitis (inflammation of the oviduct.) Antibiotics such as amoxicllin or enrofloxacin may help. Since you have penicillin, go ahead and start that. I wouldn’t worry about her droopy wing at this time. It may be injured or it could be a symptom of an injury something else. Is her lower belly enlarged, firm or spongy, or is there fluid inside it? Has she been laying eggs recently?
Thanks, she’s sleeping now but I’ll start her on penicillin first thing in the morning. I couldn’t feel any swelling or fluid in her belly, it felt completely normal. I don’t know if she’s laid recently, I haven’t seen her in a nest box and I have a bunch of other pullets just starting to lay now so I can’t tell whose eggs are whose.

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