Lash egg-repeat offender but a survivor!


Jun 20, 2021
I have a 4yo sapphire gem that survived a horrific raccoon attack (comb ripped off, head trauma, and when I found her she had early flystrike in her vent). She healed from all of this but now during laying season, every month or so she gets very lethargic with diarrhea. I bring her in, wash her, give her some tramadol and amoxicillin, yogurt and Gatorade etc. After a day or so she passes what I’m assuming is a lash egg. Then she perks right back up and eats ferociously and back out she goes. None of my birds (all various ages and breeds) are effected. Should state-she has not laid a viable egg since the attack last summer.

Any advice on how to stop this from happening??


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