Late to intro but newbie


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2024
First chickens were purchased April 2023.
I currently have 39 chickens. I have several breeds because I want them all but trying to limit myself to only Orpingtons. Olive egger, Easter Eggers, Americana, Wellsummer, Black Copper Muran, Barred Rock, new Hampshire Red, Australorp, Sapphire Gem, Smokey Pearl, crème legbar, and a bunch of orphingtons (lavender, buff, blue splash, chocolate, mottled chocolate, chocolate silver lace, jubilee and a few crosses).
I enjoy the unique looks of chickens. I like to breed and hatch eggs.
I like camping, being on the lake, photography, and my mini Aussie.
I live in SE Missouri. I work in Contracts. The chickens give me something to do now that 3 kids are out of high school and no sports ongoing. I’m currently working on a second coop, with hopes my bf doesn’t kill me when I tell him I need breeding cages (🤣). I took his old shed and rehabbed it for new coop. Took small corner up of his cow pasture also. But hey he likes the eggs!
Good luck trying to limit yourself to "only" anything when it comes to chickens! I have been far from successful in doing that. And, best wishes on the second coop -- I passed that number a long time ago.

So, while I may not be a good role model, I am sincere in welcoming you to BYC. It's good to meet you!

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