Lavender Ameraucana vs Olive Egger


Apr 5, 2024
Hello! I recently got a couple birds from a backyard breeder. One is supposed to be a Lavender Ameraucana, and one is supposed to be and Olive Egger, but they look nearly identical at this stage. Is it possible to have a Lavender Olive Egger? She put a leg band on the Olive Egger so seems confident. Breeder says the Lavender Ameraucana is pure bred, Olive Egger is mix between "BBS Marans" and Ameraucana. Also, the Ameraucana is developing more of comb. I know it's too early to really tell, but do you think it is a cockerel? Chicks are about 2 weeks old. First close up is of the "Olive Egger" second is of the Ameraucana. Thanks in advance!


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It's definitely possible to get a lavender olive egger but not with that mix. Unless the marans was BBS split to lavender, not impossible but most people use blacks with their lavender breeding programs. Lavender is recessive, so both parents have to have at least one copy of the gene in order for the chicks to be lavender.
It's definitely possible to get a lavender olive egger but not with that mix. Unless the marans was BBS split to lavender, not impossible but most people use blacks with their lavender breeding programs. Lavender is recessive, so both parents have to have at least one copy of the gene in order for the chicks to be lavender.
Would that mix look like this chick? (on the left in the pic of both chicks). Would it stay all lavender or turn out with a copper colored neck?

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