Lavender chick

Anita Scott

7 Years
May 21, 2017
Thornfield, MO
Most of my hens are Copper Marans. I had an Isa brown hen several years ago and ended up with 2 beautiful yellow and black hens. I was hoping to at least get a couple more yellow chicks, when a lavender chick hatched yesterday.
My rooster is a Rhode island red/Americana cross.
I don't know of any lavender genes in my flock. I have had the flock for about 10 years now.


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Most of my hens are Copper Marans. I had an Isa brown hen several years ago and ended up with 2 beautiful yellow and black hens. I was hoping to at least get a couple more yellow chicks, when a lavender chick hatched yesterday.
My rooster is a Rhode island red/Americana cross.
I don't know of any lavender genes in my flock. I have had the flock for about 10 years now.
Hi, if you are still on BYC I would love to see how it has turned out. From by blue and black copper Marans I had a lavender chick like yours but it died at about 3 weeks old, so I never got to see it’s full adult feathering. I would love a pic 😊
She has to be a maran mix. The hens are all from Copper Marans, except one ISA Brown, several generations back..rooster was Rhode Island Red and Americauna mix. I lost him this summer, but he left me 2 boys. He produced lots of hens, perfect rooster.
She has to be a maran mix. The hens are all from Copper Marans, except one ISA Brown, several generations back..rooster was Rhode Island Red and Americauna mix. I lost him this summer, but he left me 2 boys. He produced lots of hens, perfect rooster.
Wow genetics are amazing

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