Lavender keets

Percheron chick

Free Ranging
11 Years
Apr 12, 2013
Hudson, Colorado
I inherited a shipment of keets that was shipped to the wrong PO. This is my first batch. I have 2 pearl, 3 whites and 7 lavenders. 3 of the lavenders have darker stripes (more defined) on their heads and normal colored bodies. The other 4 have faint light stripes on their heads and normal coloring in the body. Are they going to end up different colors?
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Sounds to me like you might have both Lavenders and Lite Lavenders. The Lite Lavenders are fully-pearled just like the Lavenders, but they are a lighter shade of the blue/lavender color. The other possibility is that sometimes the color shades can vary from blood line to blood line, so not all keets considered a certain color will look exactly the same.

If you can post a pic of them, especially a clear shot of their head markings I can most likely tell you if they are Lite Lavenders or not.

The description I gave of them being fully-pearled was referring to how they will look as adults. As keets they both have the same head and body markings/stripes, but the Lite Lavenders are a lighter shade of grey (or dilution of the blue color gene) at that age too.

Here's a pic of the 2 colors together. Sorry for the poor quality but you can still see the color shade difference.
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