Lavender Orpingtons


Mar 21, 2016
North Carolina
Hi, need help. Any way of proving that they are English or American lavender orpingtons
They are nice birds. But they aren't even close to being show quality. Lavender is still a project color, and a lot of Lavender Orpingtons in the U.S. are pretty poor examples of the Orpington breed, at this point. Your's are no exception. Their build isn't right, even for 'American'. The tails are much too 'pinched', and your rooster has a lot of gold through him. They are not breeding quality.
I was just dying for a beautiful lavender orpington. Well, I ordered one from a reputable breeder- it was beautiful, darker grey, looked very lavender in the shade. Turned out to be a rooster. :( Well, I got a 8 week old from another breeder (the first one didn't have started lavenders). My hundred dollar chicken (cost + shipping + box) is a very light grey, almost off white, that doesn't really show lavender of any kind in any light. I still love the grey chicken- it is a pullet - but is there any chance that as she gets older, she will show more lavender? She is 17 weeks now.

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