The Truth Is Out There
A silver sebright, a golden sebright, a white/cream color silkie (who might be a roo), a self blue, and a barnyard bantam mix. I had a couple others but they were def. cockerels and I can’t have them where I am right now.I really considered chickens! Especially those REALLY itty bitty ones that have a stance like they’ve got something to prove— Serema, maybe? But our town is really persnickety about chickens and quail are so much smaller/quieter (and 2 of my neighbors have chickens that make noise plus we already have a loud coonhound!) that I thought they’d be less likely to catch heat.
What kind of chickens do you have?
I really like the giant Brahmasbut my absolute bucket-list dream poultry is to keep peafowl! I don’t think they’re much good for eggs or meat, I just think they’re unbelievably cool.
I love bantams they are so small and cute.
I convinced my husband to let me get 5 bantam chicks out of the bin at TSC. Two were def. Roos so I rehomed them.
Then I went out and got two more the same age from a farm about an hour away. They are almost 8 weeks now And will be going into their coop. I wanted to wait a little longer for the silkie.