Laws for selling chickens in Texas?

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Hello I searched your same questions! We have that in common. I did so much research to your questions on my own. In your link the bold letters say if you sell from your residence only you do not have to register for this program for live fowl. Here is live fowl information.

I also did the questionare from @Bolfreak webpage link A picture from my questionare included. You do not need certifications or licenses because of the laws in Texas. Here they are an exempt for you.

If you see the third line which is marked a1A or (a) (1) (A) you might see the ending

(A) domestic fowl or domestic and exotic fowl at a location, other than the premise of origin, or

It says "other than the premise or origin" So that means you can hatch your chicken at your home and sell it from your home without any licenses and certificates from the state of Texas.

For you "hatching/eating" eggs may not the be the same Texas laws. I did not get research for that at the moment.

Sell your chickens from your home with no laws against your practice in Texas! Happy clucking!
Thank you!

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