Layed First Egg in Run


Nov 14, 2020
Hey everyone,

My hen just layed her first egg inside the run and I went to get it but the flock got to it before me.
She is new to the flock and is lowest in the pecking order, was she just confused or will she now always lay outside everytime? It was as though she didn't know it was coming just stood outside feeding.

Could she be feeling too scared to lay inside the coop? Will it be ok?

Thanks for your insights.
Best Wishes
She has been in contact with them for 1 week but visable to them for 2 before that. They aren't really pecking her too much anymore, I think its her own fear not that they are over bearing to her.she seems like quite a timid bird compared to the other that joined the flock with her.
Not real uncommon for a new layer or a chicken new to an area to be a bit confused. Since nest boxes are for human convenience and not the chickens (natural ground layer) they have to be trained to use them. Just like chickens have to be trained to use a coop and roosting bars. They would much rather roost outside in trees.

How many chickens do you have, how many nest boxes? The herbs and flowers are for you, the chickens don't care.
Pretty common actually - I go thru egg in run, under bush, on roof, and all sorts of wierd places pretty commonly when a new bird starts laying. In less than a week, she joins her elders in laying eggs where they belong. I've always assumed it to be part of the process of their plumbing getting itself in order, like tiny eggs, fairy eggs, and all the rest. I'm sure popping out that first and second egg come as something of a surprise to them - and given how often mature birds hop in the nest, then sing for a while before dropping one, and and other times, hop, drop, and go... it seems like the timing isn't something they ever become great at predicting.
My WTB who is a year old now will drop her egg in the run if the nest box she wants is occupied, but after whoever was in the box leaves she'll go in there for a bit and act like she's laying, come out sing her song and go about her business. Chickens are like any other animal, all different. I hope she gets with the program, or maybe she'll just be your odd ball😉

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