Layers Delima


Jul 16, 2021
DeSoto Mo
Since building this coop almost 3 years ago, some of the girls have gotten lazy and started laying on the floor in the corners. Been too hot lately but once it starts cooling off I think Im going to relocate the nesting boxes to the floor level, its going to be an all day job as once I start I cant stop til its finished. should eliminate their random egg laying on the floor hopefully?
My older hens will start laying in ground nests when the bedding in the boxes gets too thin. Have you changed the nest box material lately to make sure it's nice and fluffy?
I keep the nesting boxes fresh, a couple brood a bit once in awhile. I use the fine pine shavings in the nesting boxes so its soft and about 5" deep. I use the course pine shavings/chips on the floor. The nesting boxes stay clean as they dont sleep or poop in them. There is a small landing for them as they fly up so getting into them isnt an issue and is only about 24" high from the floor.
I keep the nesting boxes fresh, a couple brood a bit once in awhile. I use the fine pine shavings in the nesting boxes so its soft and about 5" deep. I use the course pine shavings/chips on the floor. The nesting boxes stay clean as they dont sleep or poop in them. There is a small landing for them as they fly up so getting into them isnt an issue and is only about 24" high from the floor.
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Love your avatar!
Thanks, I did photography for years, Id get my son to act all goofy with me and do stuff like this. When he was a baby I took him to a park, there was a tree stump low to the ground so I had to lay down to take the picture but put my son in the "Y" of that stump... My wife threw a fit that I stuck him in a tree for a photo op and didnt believe my story SO, one day we were at the same park and I showed her the stump LOL He is 14 now so he thinks he is too old to act goofy anymore.


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Some of my hens do that too, but rather than take on an extensive remodeling job, I just put some milk cartons on the floor with nesting material to give them options. Now some lay up, some down. I block off tight corners that I can't easily reach.
Yeah but I rarely go into the coop is the issue, since I built it to access the eggs from outside the coop/run. Only time I go in is to fill the feed barrel and water drum. So, I need to eliminate that issue as some eggs get buried and find them walking in "crunch" and piles in the corners. Sometimes if I walk in Ive no clue about how long those eggs have been there so I chuck them into the woods. Found out last thanksgiving making deviled eggs some were rotten....

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