Lean-To Roofed Run/Coop Combo Build- Advice


9 Years
Aug 20, 2015
DFW Texas
Hey All, just looking for input and feedback on this coop design! I feel as if I have plenty of ventilation, but would like input if anyone disagrees. Any other general input or advice welcome. Please forgive my crude "paint" drawing. I've got it mostly sketched on graph paper but wanted to give a visual to help make sense of my description. I'm concerned about rain, as my overhang will be minimal. I'm thinking of some type of roll down tarp affixed to the sides of the run that I can simply roll down and fasten in times of inclement weather.

Pertinent Info:
  • Located in DFW, TX
  • Planning on 5-6 chickens with space to flex to 8 as I cycle layers out
  • Sand Substrate in coop and run
  • Planning on going with a fully roofed coop and run combo.
  • The coop and run will be essentially one large area, with no dividing wall from coop to run.
  • Siding across the North side of the coop and 4' down the East and West sides, so a boxed in "coop" of 8' x 4' open to the 8'x10' run.
  • Run will have 1'-2' of siding at the bottom and a triangular piece of siding from the top down to the 6' mark. 4'-5' of 1/4" hardware cloth.
  • Coop itself will have 6" of ventilation across the entire East and West wall, so 4' wide by 6" tall. Bottom of the North, East and West Coop wall will have 6" of ventilation as well, so 4' x 6" on the West and East wall and 8' x 6" on the North wall.
  • Planning on putting roosting bars at approx. 4' high on the West and East wall with the laying boxes located on the North wall, bottom of the nest box being 2' from the ground
  • Roof will be poly panels

The coop and run will be essentially one large area, with no dividing wall from coop to run.
Good idea in your climate.
Have the 4' section to the right 3 solid walls with the roosts there.
The rest should be wide open mesh for maximum ventilation.
Large roof overhangs to protect against driving rain.
Good idea in your climate.
Have the 4' section to the right 3 solid walls with the roosts there.
The rest should be wide open mesh for maximum ventilation.
Large roof overhangs to protect against driving rain.
So I can get away without the ventilation on the three "coop" walls and leave them solid top to bottom?
Former Dallasite here. A few comments and questions.
Is your coop elevated or does it start at ground level? I have 5 hens with access to an 8'x10' run with another 6'x4' communicating space underneath my elevated coop. Although my girls free-range the entire day, I wouldn't consider adding hens to this setup; just not enough room.

Poly panels for roof? IMHO unless your setup will be receiving lots of shade in the summer, you're much better off going with a solid roof material with some insulation on the underside portion that faces the run/coop. Your goal should be mitigate sun/heat (which is most of the time in Texas), and provide a windbreak for those powerful fronts.

Coop walls: Any material (hardi plank, plywood, metal, plastic) that will receive southern or western sun exposure will get hot on BOTH sides, especially in spring/summer. You might consider a double-wall with insulation in between for those instances. The folks who "Pooh-pooh" double-wall or insulation for coops have never spent time outside in a Texas summer.

Roost bars: Don't put them on the west wall unless your run will get shade from trees or another building. Also, provide staggered roost heights, not all at 'skyscraper level';)

Nest boxes: If you keep them at 2' please provide your hens with a ramp system (<45 degree slant) to access.

Roll down tarp: in summer storms your coop/run will get very steamy and not have good ventilation. Also, tarps flap and can be a stressful noise. Think about something like a series of large wooden (cedar fence plank?) "shutters" (hanging from the framing on the run) that stay extended outward most of the time (shade, windbreak) but can swing down to varying degrees for more weather protection as needed.

Just my opinions/suggestions based on personal experience.

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