Leanto Coop? (Maine)

You might want to consider which direction the prevailing wind is from, in summer and winter. Do your snow storms come from the west, north, east? Make sure your most open side is not where all the snow will blow in from. If you can work with the natural forces instead of against them, you will be miles ahead.
Does the sun shine in during the winter? Could it, if a window were cut? Hardware cloth that will be handy in the summer can be covered with sturdy plastic during the winter, as long as you have adequate ventilation elsewhere.
If the concrete floor is intact, it would be fine, I think, to cover it with a few inches of sand. Easy to clean.
It looks like you have a good base to start with. If you make it a two story coop, the chickens will probably all go to the top, because that's what chickens do, lol, but it would give you some extra room. You could put barriers and roosting places spaced around so the birds aren't in each other's faces during long winter days.
You don't have to answer all these questions, they are just things for you to think about. Have fun with the planning.

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