Leghorn chicken laying at 3 months!!


In the Brooder
Nov 28, 2018
Here is my leghorn chicken, Peep! We got her along with 5 other chicks back in late August. We also have 5 other hens who have been laying for 2 1/2 months. Peep has been squatting and sitting in the nesting boxes for a week or so and I have assumed it’s because she wants to be like her older sisters. But, when I went to collect eggs yesterday I found a TINY white egg. None of our other girls lay white eggs so I know it’s hers. She is still very small and not fully developed and most of the time my other hens stopped growing after they layed their first few eggs. Is she done growing? And if yes, should I be concerned since she is so small? She eats and drinks normally and is crazy, always running around the yard. Some insight on why she started so early would be greatly appreciated!!<3


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Sounds all ok to me. Leghorns typically are 4-6.5 lbs. So can be smaller. Any chance your dates are off? What are the other breeds that you have? Pretty bird and egg by the way.
Sounds all ok to me. Leghorns typically are 4-6.5 lbs. So can be smaller. Any chance your dates are off? What are the other breeds that you have? Pretty bird and egg by the way.
Ok good to know! I don’t think so, we got her with another leghorn, silver laced wyandotte, black sex link, and 2 Rhode Island reds in August at tractor supply. They were only a few days old when we got them. We also have 3 buff orpingtons and two black australorps who are 7 months old. Thank you!<3
Leghorns get big and develop really fast, I can buy it. Thats 6 weeks earlier than the norm though.

Disclaimer: I am not saying they are a big breed, I was talking about their rate growth when I said they get big. They are actually a very small breed for large fowl.

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