Leghorns with Barred Rocks

Country Parson

9 Years
Oct 1, 2010
Bellefontaine, OH
I have a small flock of various hens (various Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, and a few Golden Comets). Early Spring I'll get several more Barred Rocks (or maybe more Buffs..my daughter likes those).

BUT...my wife wants some white eggs. She doesn't mind brown eggs, but she indicated she likes variety. I don't want too many white-egg laying chickens, so I thought I might get a few White Leghorns. But, I've heard they can be high-strung. Would they be too aggressive to share coop space with my Barred Rocks & Buffs? I free range for 3 seasons, but everything is in the coop at night and in winter.
I have a barred rock and a brown leghorn they get along fine. She is kinda high strung but not aggressive. Does she want green eggs too?
Some EE might be a good addition
It shouldn't be TOO much of a problem. I've had leghorns and they weren't that bad. But no matter what the breed is when new chickens are introduced the pecking order is interrupted and they'll fight for dominance. If you raise them together you shouldn't have a problem at all.
Although they can be high strung and nervous, leghorns are generally not an aggressive breed. Your larger birds will be more than able to hold their own with leghorns. Qualification: Leghorn roosters can be extremely, obnoxiously human aggressive.
My mixed flock includes a brown leghorn hen and now her pullet, the rest of the flock is BR, BO, ee for the most part. I do notice the leghorn is scattier and will stay further away from me, but that's it. By flighty, I think folks mean they are more scared and see things as a threat more and want to get away. I've not heard they're aggressive. My hen is in the middle of the pecking order. I say get a few--personally, I'd get the brown leghorns cause I like the color better than the plain white---but they're really good layers so you'd only need maybe two or three.
I also like having multiple colors of eggs, just makes me smile
I have a tractor with Barred Rocks and White Leghorns in it. They seem to get along fine.

Also have three White Leghorn roosters. They are giving some of the other roosters a hard time as they straighten out the pecking order, but none of them have ever looked cross eyed at me. Which is good because I want them for breeding, but I do not put up with aggressive roosters. Human aggression seems to be more bird and not breed specific.
My brown leghorn is the smallest of my flock. She holds her own well, is up there in the pecking order. Won't let me near her, though, and runs the other way if I throw treats. I'd certainly call her flighty, but not at all aggressive.

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