Lemon's Dog Adventure!

Do you like the name Bridgette?

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Congratulations @Lemon-Drop!! She's so adorable!! :love :love :love My dog loves toys with squeakers. Because she's a puppy, I suggest getting her toys that are good with chewing, as puppies chew a lot. If it's a toy that is funner to chew than a shoe, then A+. I also suggest getting her cuddly toys, as some dogs have a toy that's referred to as their "baby." (For my dog, it's a toy fox from Walmart.) Toys I don't suggest are tug of war toys. Playing tug of war with a dog can promote aggression (though because of her breed and temperament, that might not be a concern) and it can accidentally hurt her teeth.
Congratulations @Lemon-Drop!! She's so adorable!! :love :love :love My dog loves toys with squeakers. Because she's a puppy, I suggest getting her toys that are good with chewing, as puppies chew a lot. If it's a toy that is funner to chew than a shoe, then A+. I also suggest getting her cuddly toys, as some dogs have a toy that's referred to as their "baby." (For my dog, it's a toy fox from Walmart.) Toys I don't suggest are tug of war toys. Playing tug of war with a dog can promote aggression (though because of her breed and temperament, that might not be a concern) and it can accidentally hurt her teeth.
That’s a myth. I’ve always played tug with all my dogs and it’s never once caused aggression or any issues. In fact, it’s great exercise and fun for them.
That’s a myth. I’ve always played tug with all my dogs and it’s never once caused aggression or any issues. In fact, it’s great exercise and fun for them.
Really? That's good to hear then. That's my dog's favorite game and I enjoy playing it with him. He started showing some signs of aggression so we were trying to find answers on why.
Really? That's good to hear then. That's my dog's favorite game and I enjoy playing it with him. He started showing some signs of aggression so we were trying to find answers on why.
Yes really. I highly doubt the game was the cause. Especially since most agility dogs use tug as a reward too and that’s an extremely positive, fun sport and they don’t seem to have any issues.
She is adorable! And that name suits her!!
For toy options
All kong toys(especially the wild knots they got Denver through her puppy stage and she absolutely loves them!)
The kongs that you can stuff treats in are good to. And the wobble one.
Bark toys are really good to, you can get them at petsmart.
Ive always played tug with mine, never had a aggressive issues, some you have to watch as they try and move their mouth while playing. I use longer tug ropes, but for puppies use small ones.

She will need tons of socializing if you want her to suceed. Make sure she has her vaccines before. Goldens have a good personality but not all. With Tucker he needed less socializing because it overwhelmed him. Making him more scared. But Denver needed loved going everywhere.
Just because Goldens have a good personality online doesnt mean there are bad personalities in goldens.
If your looking for treats and chew i would recommend
Happy Howies raw treats
Also i like dehydrated chicken and lamb
Water buffalo bones
Himalyan chews
Or bully sticks.
Also get a toothbrush and lots of brushes so she is use to that.

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