Let me introduce myself-


In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2024
I am a new chicken mom. I was around them when I was younger (to 7 years old). We were gifted a flock and all the items they had just 4 weeks ago as our neighbors are unfortunately moving.

We had 18 hens, but just lost one two days ago to what might be old age.

We are still learning about the three different types we have.

I love watching and listening to them.

I want to use them for pest control too when I put in a garden.

My husband and I moved to 10 acres last year with 1 dog, and have since had 3 other dogs adopt us.

I work from home and love getting to watch the ladies during the day.

We are working on the house and property as labor of love for our dream of a retirement ranch.

I am part of BYC on social media and just found your community on the web and immediately joined and have learned so much already.

Thank you!!


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