Lethargic and panting even when its not hot


Apr 24, 2022
So I have a male brahma who is usually pretty talkative and energetic, but now is hanging around the coop and seems to be keeping a distance from the rest of the flock. He's panting all the time, even though it's a reasonable 60°F, but it doesn't sound raspy or out of the ordinary to me. His head and legs feel pretty warm, and the other day I noticed him sneeze and a snot rocket came out(not sure if related though).

Any ideas as to what this may be? This is my first flock and I've had them since they hatched in April. They do roam free around the property, and I've had no issues related to that so far.
Nasal drainage is not normal, and since he sneezed it out, I would suspect a respiratory disease. Have you added any new birds recently, or have they been exposed to other chickens or chicken owners? I would watch him to look for bubbles in one eye, swelling of the eyelid, or more sneezing and gasping. Tylan 50 injectable used orally without the needle can be found in some feed stores. Dosage is 0.25 ml per pound given orally 3 times a day for 5 days. Tylosin powder, the generic can be found online from jedds.com. Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days.

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