Lethargic Chicken, Green and White Liquid Poop, not eating or drinking.

Aug 7, 2022
SE indiana
I recently had a hen die, and I didn't examine the body because I wrongly thought it wasn't contagious, but I've noticed another one of my hens is doing the same thing, but at least right now it's not as bad.

Like the last one, It generally has slower movements then the rest of the hens, and most of the time it's just sitting or standing somewhere. I rarely see it eat or drink, and it keeps pooping a liquid white diarrhea or white and green less liquid diarrhea. I've had such a struggle trying to find out what it is that I've decided to get back on backyard chickens to ask.

It also seems that my whole flock might be infected, because although none are as lethargic or lethargic at all like the main one, I've seen a lot of them poop liquidy clear/white diarrhea, or just normal color poop that is extremely watery.

Right after my first chicken died I accidentally gave them way to much vitamin water, so the next morning I dumped out there waterer and replaced it with fresh water, Maybe with a little vitamin water still in there. After that, when I noticed a new lethargic chicken, I began treating them with corrid for coccidiosis because that was my best guess as to what the disease could be. I saw at least one of them a few days ago had a bloody poop, but that was the first and only time I ever saw bloody poop since even the one that died got sick.

I'm on my second day treating with corrid, and I can't tell if the lethargic hen is getting better. Please help me out by confirming this is coccidiosis or telling me what other disease it may be! Thanks ahead of time.
Hi... did you have any luck figuring out what it was and do you have an update. I'm sorry nobody replied to you. I'm having these same symptoms in my flock and very nervous.
I also came to this forum with a bird with the same symptoms. Won't eat any feed, just a few blueberries and has very watery, white poop. Comb still looks ok. Today she was the last to come out and stood in the corner.
The best, quickest, easiest way to confirm coccidiosis is to pop a fresh sample of poop into a sandwich baggie and trot down to your nearest vet and request a fecal float test to confirm coccidia and/or worms. It costs around $30-$50 and can give results in an hour if the vet isn't too busy to run it.

Give your sick chickens the Corid drench dose twice a day for three days (.5ml undiluted Corid syringed into the beak), along with the Corid water (two teaspoons in one gallon water for five days. Wait a week and give a second round.

Don't give any vitamins during treatment. They may be give between the two rounds of Corid.
DE won't do anything internally. Once it gets wet it becomes mush and loses any effectiveness it may have had to cut up exoskeletons when dry. As for your other issues, the best I can do is call in some Educators to see if they can help.

@Wyorp Rock
My one year old chicken had white splash looking diarrhea. This has been going on for over a month. She eats and drinks. But stands huddled and looks odd. She has been separated for a long time now and a second chicken started three days ago. They are separated from the free ranging flock kinda now living in garage crate that I open every morning and they free range in my yard lol. But neither is improving??? They just stand there sometimes all puffed up. Then half hour later free ranging and grazing. So confused. I have done poultry cell. Try Corrid and done garlic and vinegar. Nothing works long term.
Can you take some of their poop to your local vet and ask them to do a fecal float test? It should not be too expensive or take very long and he can get results for you even if they are not an avian vet. That way you will know if, for example, your chickens have worms, and if so, what kind. Then if they do, you can treat for what they have, if any. There is no point in guessing and just giving your birds random stuff to try and fix something they may or may not have. And too much garlic can be toxic to chickens so be careful with that. Vinegar also is not proven to do anything for them.

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