Lethargic, comb limp, UPDATE!! HOPEFULLY A BIT BETTER!

Today she is pretty good, still a bit slow, a bit unsteady on her feet. I took her outside and let her forage for a while. Then I put her into the coop with the others and things were fine for a while then suddenly they attacked her. Luckily my husband was close by and he grabbed her before she got hurt. She is back in her separate area again, eating away. It is ok, she can live solo for a while. She is unable to roost but otherwise seems good.
AWw sweet girl. It may be hard to ever integrate her back with the flock - her being weak and solo may make it very hard to re-integrate. Maybe you could get her a friend - or put one of the nicer of your flock in with her so she's not lonely.
A couple of thoughs occur to me.

1) have you ever wormed her? If not, or not recently, I think you should.

2) the attacks may not just be recent--they may have been preventing her from eating, which led to lack of energy, which led to ...
Worming - do you have a local feed store where you get your chicken feed? They can help you with worming products. Basically you feed them the product and I think with some of the products you have to throw the eggs away for about two weeks, fourteen days. Do not eat them or let anyone or anything eat them.

I'm in the US so one product I know of that is organic, if you are into organic is Verm-X. You should be able to get it online at Verm-x.com. Very informative site, even if you don't wnat to buy their propduct.

Glad she's better!!!
I will call the feedstore tomorrow regarding worm medication but right now, it seems like she is a bit better. She is eating, her crop suddenly emptied, she is drinking, foraging, walking around, interested in bugs and other tasty things. She is still unable to roost and her balance and coordination is off. We will see what tomorrow brings!
Another thought - perhaps you don't want to worm her right now because she is not at her full strength yet. I think you might want her to get a little bit stronger because I think worming is a little hard on them. It's fine for a healthy bird but maybe be cautious with one who is getting over being ill or kind of fragile still. I'm just suggesting that you might not want to stress her system, even with something that is good for her just yet. Definitely ask at the feed store or whomever you buy a worming product from as I am no expert.
Hennie is still with us. She is weak though and her appetite is not that great. I will give her an egg in the am. A lot of her symptoms point to worms. I have never dewormed my birds.
I have not wormed her.... part because you are right, it might be too hard on her. But part because I cant find the medicine. No vets deal with chickens, no feed stores deal with medicine. seriously. does anyone know where I can mail order chicken meds and supplements? this is nuts. everytime i have an emergency, I scramble to find meds to no avail!

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