Lethargic Hen - Not eating or drinking, watery yellow diarrhea and passed this (pic) after epsom salt soak


In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2024
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all. I have a ~10 month old hen (whiting true blue) who seemed fine yesterday morning but not her normal self yesterday late afternoon. She did eat some scrambled eggs and went to roost by herself last night. I am fairly sure she laid an egg yesterday - we had 2 of 2 blue eggs.

This morning she stayed on the roost after the others all got up and was still very lethargic. No interest in food and water. Has passed some stools mostly watery but some more solid.

She passed this after an epsom salt soak but hasn’t pooped since the soak and still no appetite.


No eye or nose discharge or trouble breathing that I can tell.
Looks like she passed a membrane from a soft shelled egg.

Do you provide crushed oyster shells and granite grit free choice?
A few days of additional calcium citrate 600 + vitamin D tablets should help her expel whatever residues are left in her oviduct.
Just pop one tablet daily into her beak.
Looks like she passed a membrane from a soft shelled egg.

Do you provide crushed oyster shells and granite grit free choice?
A few days of additional calcium citrate 600 + vitamin D tablets should help her expel whatever residues are left in her oviduct.
Just pop one tablet daily into her beak.
Yes to both grit and oyster shells, though I could be better at checking the level - it was low but not empty when I checked this past weekend. We have 2 dozen hens so I just ordered another set of holders for grit and oyster shell to make sure its accessible to everyone.

Would you recommend another epsom soak as well or just additional calcium and try to get her to eat / drink?
Would you recommend another epsom soak as well or just additional calcium and try to get her to eat / drink?
I would only soak a bird that is otherwise healthy and only obviously egg bound with a hard shelled egg and not soak a weak or otherwise sick bird as bathing them could send them over the edge.
Dry her well even using a blow dryer on low setting and keep her inside and warm. Administer the daily calcium tablet and offer scrambled eggs with millet and rolled oats, grated carrots and greek yoghurt to entice her to eat.
Does her rear smell off?
I would only soak a bird that is otherwise healthy and only obviously egg bound with a hard shelled egg and not soak a weak or otherwise sick bird as bathing them could send them over the edge.
Dry her well even using a blow dryer on low setting and keep her inside and warm. Administer the daily calcium tablet and offer scrambled eggs with millet and rolled oats, grated carrots and greek yoghurt to entice her to eat.
Does her rear smell off?
Thank you, she’s fully dried off (blow dry) Got her to drink some water - she refused eggs and feed but was interested in some soldier fly larvae.

Not noticing any bad smell from her vent. She passed a clear and yellow liquid that smelled a bit like eggs and a soft but more solid greenish stool about half an hour after that

Just got back from the store with the calcium tablets.

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