Hi all. I have a ~10 month old hen (whiting true blue) who seemed fine yesterday morning but not her normal self yesterday late afternoon. She did eat some scrambled eggs and went to roost by herself last night. I am fairly sure she laid an egg yesterday - we had 2 of 2 blue eggs.
This morning she stayed on the roost after the others all got up and was still very lethargic. No interest in food and water. Has passed some stools mostly watery but some more solid.
She passed this after an epsom salt soak but hasn’t pooped since the soak and still no appetite.
No eye or nose discharge or trouble breathing that I can tell.
This morning she stayed on the roost after the others all got up and was still very lethargic. No interest in food and water. Has passed some stools mostly watery but some more solid.
She passed this after an epsom salt soak but hasn’t pooped since the soak and still no appetite.
No eye or nose discharge or trouble breathing that I can tell.