Lethargic hen, possible blockage lengthy description


Jul 1, 2024
Hi all. Thanks in advance.

My 3/4 year old silkie is throwing me for a loop.

Lethargic, full soft crop, still has an appetite.

She has been sleepy for a couple days, was still coming out of the coop in the mornings (free rangers - have access to grower feed, grit, & oyster shells), but sitting around all day with her head turtled (lack of better description) inward. She is a regular layer but has not layed in a few weeks (figured from the heat, our egg production has decreased from all birds).

Crop did not empty overnight so we brought her inside and treated for impacted crop (it was a hard mass initially) which we managed to clear. She is willingly drinking water & olive oil. She is also looking for food so as a compromise we gave her kefir. Crop is still not emptying properly but soft. We massage it, it goes down then immediately fills back up (leading me to believe there is a blockage further down)

She is straining to poop (making a noise when going), with the olive oil we are getting small brown masses with a lot of clear & white liquid. After a few hours the poop is going back to clear & white liquid.

There is no leaking from her vent, she does not have laboured breathing.

Didn't feel an internal egg but soaked her in warm water with Epsom salts as a precaution.

I am at a loss as how to help any further or just keep doing the same. Any & all help appreciated.
Does she have a bad smell? Does it seem like the stuff in her crop is fermenting?

I would try giving her watermelon. Might help soften things up and push things down, but another thought is that she might have swallowed something non-digestable (like wire) and that is backing everything up.
Does she have a bad smell? Does it seem like the stuff in her crop is fermenting?

I would try giving her watermelon. Might help soften things up and push things down, but another thought is that she might have swallowed something non-digestable (like wire) and that is backing everything up.
I'll try watermelon! Thanks.

Doesn't smell like sour crop. I massaged under her left hind leg (slightly swollen, possibly bloated), and she managed to have the 2 best poops she's had in about 3 days. Still lethargic and sleepy, but interested in food/water so it gives me hope.

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