Lethargic Hen

sorry bout that...someone had asked for the dosage of baytril and somehow I must have gotten the posts mixed up and posted my reply in the wrong thread...
Hi, Have you checked her for red mites? you can see them crawling, especially with a torch at night.
They really knock the chooks around and they have no energy to eat,drink or walk, they fall down in a heap.
just a though, in case you didnt check her.
Just went and checked for mites........clean as a feathery whistle! I have her isolated in the enclosed hen yard so she has to drink the potion my friend mixed into water. She is up and around but a bit moody about eating, I am still dripping the catfood eggyolk mixture into her. Hopefully she just forgot to drink and this is a recooperation from that. The two Polish chickens I have are extremely dingy. Funny to watch but really are a bit short on brains. At least no on picks on them!

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