Lets see pics of your PALLET COOPS!

This thread hasn't been active in a while but I'm excited to share my little redneck chicken shack! It isn't a permanent coop, more of just a grow-out coop for the babies until they can go in with the big girls.

Not done yet, but all framed and boarded up. Crystal decided to test out the coop to make sure it's safe for the babies :)

All in all this cost $12 dollars, and the expense was for a few pallets before we realized we could get them for free at Home Depot. Everything else was extras from building our main coop or stuff just laying around the house.


The babies enjoying their new (temporary) home. It isn't anything fancy, but it'll keep them warm and dry until they go to the big coop with all the grown ups :)
This thread hasn't been active in a while but I'm excited to share my little redneck chicken shack! It isn't a permanent coop, more of just a grow-out coop for the babies until they can go in with the big girls.
Not done yet, but all framed and boarded up. Crystal decided to test out the coop to make sure it's safe for the babies

All in all this cost $12 dollars, and the expense was for a few pallets before we realized we could get them for free at Home Depot. Everything else was extras from building our main coop or stuff just laying around the house.

The babies enjoying their new (temporary) home. It isn't anything fancy, but it'll keep them warm and dry until they go to the big coop with all the grown ups
I'm sure that will work great. I build something almost identical for a grow out pen too and used it for a few years. The chicks will probably start roosting on the pallet wood inside of the coop way up top... they're funny little things lol.

It later turned into a duck house for about a year. I'm going to be taking it down before the fall because this year I've had tons of wasps and mud dobblers making all kinds of huge nests in there. I've made a smaller duck house now with removable roof so I can clean it easier.

It should hold up well for you as I built mine about 4 or 5 yrs ago and it's still standing. Just keep an eye out for wasp nests inside (in the roof area) if they're a problem where you live.
I'm sure that will work great. I build something almost identical for a grow out pen too and used it for a few years. The chicks will probably start roosting on the pallet wood inside of the coop way up top... they're funny little things lol.

It later turned into a duck house for about a year. I'm going to be taking it down before the fall because this year I've had tons of wasps and mud dobblers making all kinds of huge nests in there. I've made a smaller duck house now with removable roof so I can clean it easier.

It should hold up well for you as I built mine about 4 or 5 yrs ago and it's still standing. Just keep an eye out for wasp nests inside (in the roof area) if they're a problem where you live.

I just found a wasp nest under the main coop just a few weeks ago, they seem to pop up just about everywhere around my house. Always have Raid on hand....I was actually thinking about using this as a duck house once the chicks move out! I've had chickens for a little under a year and they've been so fun I want to add some ducks to the mix.
Oh and once the ducks moved in I had mice living under the pallet coop. I can't stand them so I use poison... sometimes my husband would stomp on them and feed them to the ducks. They would gobble them right up. Yuk lol. This could probably have been avoided by lifting the coop up off the ground a bit.

Ducks are awesome, but I would suggest starting small. Maybe 3 or 4 ducks at most. I started with 7 (which is a lot) and of those I've kept 2. I wouldn't mind maybe 1 more which would bring me to 3. They are super cute and nice, but really messy!

Good luck with your babies!
Thank u for this post! I found tons of free wood and wooden pallets. I'm guessing you use the pallets for the frame and add ply wood for the walls to reinforce it and galvanized 1/4 inch wire to predator proof it as well. I have to give this a go!

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