LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Hi! School is finally out, and I’m absolutely loving the new sleep schedule! It’s 2 am hehe.
We had to say goodbye to Pancake, one of my quail, yesterday. Her health was not good, and I finally took her in for a euthanasia. I thought I’d be sadder, I’m mostly just relieved that she’s not suffering anymore.
I am so sorry about Pancake, :hugs its a tough decision to make but the right one if they are suffering. ♥️
That's tough to go through. I'm sorry for your loss :hugs
Hi! School is finally out, and I’m absolutely loving the new sleep schedule! It’s 2 am hehe.
We had to say goodbye to Pancake, one of my quail, yesterday. Her health was not good, and I finally took her in for a euthanasia. I thought I’d be sadder, I’m mostly just relieved that she’s not suffering anymore.
Gosh I've missed painting. I used to do it in Ceramics for 4H, but stopped after I left the program since I was no longer showing them at fair. Started back up with the dnd minis and it's been so relaxing and freeing. I finished my big Owlbear yesterday and completely did my Incubus, making my finished total 6. Think I'll do a lucrotta or two today.
Lady Gaga son at 8 weeks old. Looking good. @allosaurusrock any input?
Stance looks nice

Thanks! He's got the best stance out of all of them. After him it's the son of my best serama hen, but that one's got a very low set tail that makes his stance look worse than it is. The "worse" when it comes to stance is another male with a colour like the one pictured. That one's chest is not nice at all, which affects his whole stance.

I really like this dude. If he weren't a dude, he'd be a keeper. Hopefully next year I can get a female version of him

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