LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Eek, already looking so pretty!
Its almost fully open!! :love
HA @fluffycrow ! The flower is WHITE!

Yeah, I figured I was off when TwoCrows posted the photo I'd quoted:rolleyes:. The ones that flower yellow are much more orange, borderline red, when they're budding.

At the same time, I prefer white lithops flowers. I think they're so elegant and beautiful!
As mentioned above, gorgeous! If you're up for it, you could even collect some of the pollen to try a bit of pollination!
Its closed right now, (its morning and still dark) it should completely open today!

Oooh pollen collection, I might try that, thanks! :highfive: How long do the flowers last?
Hey everyone! Been a member for 6+ years and never saw this thread, but I’m happy it’s here for me to join in! I’ve been keeping chickens for 16 years now, and have had turkeys for 4 and quail for 3 (though I currently don’t have quail). My next project is a quail aviary, and maybe geese if I can find some I can raise!

So far I keep:
Blue Slate, Royal Palm, and a few mystery turkeys
Buff Orpington, Tolbunt and Gold Lace Polish, BJGs, Rainbows, Easter Eggers, Splash and Barred Marans, Silver and Blue Lace Red Wyandottes, Silkies, Showgirls, Turkens, Olive and Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas, Lavender Orpington, Exchequer Leghorn, and one RIR barnyard Roo!

It’d great to find a community and I’m sure I’ll spend a long time reading from everyone, good to meet you guys :)
Hey everyone! Been a member for 6+ years and never saw this thread, but I’m happy it’s here for me to join in! I’ve been keeping chickens for 16 years now, and have had turkeys for 4 and quail for 3 (though I currently don’t have quail). My next project is a quail aviary, and maybe geese if I can find some I can raise!

So far I keep:
Blue Slate, Royal Palm, and a few mystery turkeys
Buff Orpington, Tolbunt and Gold Lace Polish, BJGs, Rainbows, Easter Eggers, Splash and Barred Marans, Silver and Blue Lace Red Wyandottes, Silkies, Showgirls, Turkens, Olive and Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas, Lavender Orpington, Exchequer Leghorn, and one RIR barnyard Roo!

It’d great to find a community and I’m sure I’ll spend a long time reading from everyone, good to meet you guys :)
Welcome to the thread! Wow, you keep a nice variety of chicken breeds, love Blue Slate Turkeys! ❤️ Feel free to post photos of your flock! 😊

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