LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

OH, I want one so bad! But they're illegal here (for good reason). Please share lots of pics so I can enjoy them thru you 🥺
I'd hate for them to be illegal! I'm very lucky to live in the UK. You could always get other types of snails though! I'm sure aspersa maxima or helix pomatia would be legal? They grow quite large and are very fun to watch! I currently have a group of aspersa muller, smaller but similar to maxima, which I bought as feeders a year ago, they're sweet lil ones.
It's awesome that you're working to improve their genetics! Let us know how it goes!!

Not technically bugs but if you wanna post updates in my entomology thread you're totally welcome to ☺️
That's why I named my fulica "bug", it's incorrect and that makes it endearing to me 😂 when I eventually get one to go with her, I might call them Bean. Bug n Bean. Bean n Bug. Has a ring to it lol.
TLDR: I simply have to show off this beautiful snail
This is the first giant african land snail I've had since I lost my beautiful fulica rodatzi, Kupa.

The ramble I actually want to share: This is Bug, she is an achatina fulica, and is a wild caught from Madagascar... I was skeptical about buying her, for fear of her being stressed in captive conditions, but she has settled very well. She is the happiest most active snail I think I've ever owned! Very friendly too. For anyone who doesn't know about giant african land snails, fulica are the most common variety, and they've been inbred so irresponsibly that all the ones sold these days have awful genetics. Lifespans of 2 or 3 years when they should be living 7 years on average. And growing to about 8cm in shell length when they should be making about 13 or 14cm at minimum.... So it is vital to take wild snails and introduce their strong genetics to the mix. It is my hope that in a while when I am able, I will be able to breed her and hatch a clutch of eggs. If I do the necessary culling process of runts, I should have healthier captive bred fulica to put out there for other snail keepers. But this is all a maybe, and dependant on lots of things.

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I wish I could have one, they're illegal here though I'm pretty sure 😔
Passed out before I could post photos from yesterday. The employees at Red Robin are always so nice!


Here's the cake my dad got for me

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