LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Hello all,

What's up? Just dropping in, is that ok?
(Not rainbow, or trans or anything).
That's fine! Everyone is welcome here as long as we're all respectful <3

It's been such a beautiful week so far. Last week was cold, the week before that was warm. Next week it's supposed to be cold again. Ahhh, that springtime teeter totter...
Thanks everyone for the welcome! Just dropping in..

@OrpingtonManiac: You are familiar to me. I kinda seems to stir others up I guess, with my teen frankness. Don't know what is considered "meeting", but we have both been discussing some hot topics on various threads... you seem active on BYC.

I solve most of my chicken problems, but I joined this week for the extra knowledge and to help others. I may not be active on BYC for much longer, beacuse I limit my computor time, but will try to positively touch the life's of others here, as I can.
Oh hey! Didn't realize this thread existed.

I'm queer/pan/trans, and I'm glad there are others here in the LGBTQ+/chickening Venn diagram!

Welcome! It’s nice to see new members joining this thread. We don’t get nearly as many transphobes or homophobes commenting now as well
It makes me so happy! Especially when I look back at the beginning of this thread, and people were making a big deal about it :(

It's so nice that there doesn't seem to be any of that anymore so we can just chat and share experiences!

Yeah, and I imagine quite a lot of it was taken down. Very sad, but I have nothing but respect for the peeps that first started this thread
True, and the moderators have all been amazing at keeping this a protected space, I love this forum :)


Definitely have to give credit to the mods, they have been absolutely amazing at keeping this thread a safe space (and calmly letting us know when our responses to a now irregular homophobic post are out of line :oops: )!

Thank you BYC moderators!

Special thanks to @TwoCrows for editing in that little “warning” (can’t come up with a better word right now) on the first post of this thread! The absence of “problematic” posts was really visible after that

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