LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Shubunkins along with Common, Comets, and Sarasas are indeed underrated. They look so really pretty when taken care of.
Here is a video of someone's single tail goldfish in China. (I do not know if the link works for you hopefully it does and you can see the pretty fishes)

Make sure you have Methylene Blue ready; it helps reduce stress and salt. But single tailed goldfish are hardier than ranchus; and if ranchus can make it being shipped from Thailand and China to the US; I am sure your goldies would be fine. Also, depending on where you are moving and the weather there; you should give your fishes a Potassium Permanganate bath to help get rid of parasites. The switching of seasons are the time when parasites appear.
I've heard of using methylene blue, I feel like I've seen some people put a little in their travel bags, and others who instead do a blue bath before releasing them into the new tank. I gather it helps to reduce the odds of ammonia and stress related issues
Which method is best to use? Blue in the travel bags or just after/while they're settling in? I've not used it before admittedly so I'm still uncertain about its use
I've heard of using methylene blue, I feel like I've seen some people put a little in their travel bags, and others who instead do a blue bath before releasing them into the new tank. I gather it helps to reduce the odds of ammonia and stress related issues
Which method is best to use? Blue in the travel bags or just after/while they're settling in? I've not used it before admittedly so I'm still uncertain about its use
I use methylene blue for my Thai Orandas; I use it before I put them in their new home. When I buy new fish I request the breeder to use clean water in their bag with no medicine.

Methylene blue are medicine after all; you don't want to put them in medicine throughout the entire travel. It's kind of like we don't go drown ourselves in medicine.

What I do, is bathe them in Methylene Blue for 10 min; it's best you do it after acclimating them to the new temperature; open their bag put methylene blue into their transport bag (two drops would do) while you're at it pour water from their new tank into their bag so they can get use to the new water (assuming the water source at your new place is different from your current water source) this is to prevent new tank syndrome. Repeat the tank water into bag water process 10 times using a little cup (a small measuring cup would do).

Then if you have a big bowl or container you can put tank water into the container and add 1 tsp of potassium permanganate to the water add an airstone bathe the fish for 5 min if you can; if you see them floating or gasping for air move them into their new home immediately. The potassium treatment is optional; it's just for parasite prevention because they might be stressed during transport and immune system would be a little down, which parasites would take advantage of (especially during the change of seasons).

After you move your fish to their new home; if you use air stones blast the water with oxygen, add salt (salt help gills function, slime production, and get rid of extra parasites), and turn off the light so they can rest. Leave them like that for 1 day. Then you can do a water change 25% by the end of the week to remove the salinity in the water. (If you have plants it's best not to put them in the tank when adding salt)
Special thanks to @TwoCrows for editing in that little “warning” (can’t come up with a better word right now) on the first post of this thread! The absence of “problematic” posts was really visible after that
@fluffycrow Sorry I've been so AWOL from this thread, BYC in general! :oops:

Hugs to you Fluffy, :hugs and everyone else in this thread! :hugs
I am, just super busy. 😊 And I too hope all is well with you, flock, succulents and cacti! ❤️🐓🌵 🪴

Yes, thankfully! Super busy too, but flowers (succulents included) are blooming left and right, and I’m taking my time appreciating them. The chickens have started feeling the spring air as well; still no broodies though

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