Liability with non-malicious trespassers in NY

I wish a sign like this one would actually work! 😂 It would solve so many problems...


In the process of looking for "dog on premesis" signs, I found some that are more specific and say "livestock guardian dog on duty" which both makes it clear that there is a dog, doesn't say anything that would get me in trouble, and provides more information to those who know what LGD means (which a certain problem population typically does).
you may not want smart people either.
Laws differ in every jurisdiction. That's why I'm not hazarding a guess here. Some cute ideas? Yes, I have those. Actually useful contribution? Not so much.

Best of luck.

FWIW, my electric fence stops my neighbor's hunting dogs. Iconsider it a good test of both the fence, and the intelligence of each year's batch of new puppies.

But I still walk the proterty armed during hunting season - loudly, and in "safety" colors. There are some two legged critters who seem oddly immune to 7,000v worth of "clue".

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