Liege Fighter Pullets/Cockerels 4 months

yeah gonna be interesting, she's sweet. I woke up a little under the weather so need to check her over, had some feather breaking above the tail. I'm going to have to figure something out for her because the copper is clearly the dominent one, and demands submission.

But I have to say these birds are incredible, while they don't like quick movements, if you slow down a little they are totally docile, and will perch right up on your arm.

*until then she's safe in the dog create, but I let her out a couple times as she really wanted to stretch those legs.
Oh definitely, if you sit with them they’re docile and mega-nosey 🤣
Oh definitely, if you sit with them they’re docile and mega-nosey 🤣
So today, I decided to put the small one by herself in a large pen by the others. She wanted out, so I let her, it was fine while I was there to prevent anything, but then I saw her shivering so I took her back inside.

But! When I went back inside there was an egg from Silver girl! and on top of that the silver girl went broody and started building a nest! So just when I think "what's next?" I get them out to the pen, and the one that climbed through my dog gate upon to a package of mini flake riding shotgun with me, starts making some real noise! I take a closer look and "comb" is budding where as silver barely has one.

She is also dominent and hasn't laid an egg... so??? Do I have Roo?😂

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