Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

"I don`t either. I`m shocked that Lucas got you to Sparrow`s Rock before you died. Horius is... 'Good' at what he does, I`ll give him that." River muttered.
Eva nodded, looking around them as if Horius was hunting them. It seemed safe, at least for the time being. Not wanting to talk about Horius any longer, she asked simply "We have water at the cabin to clean the rifle with right?"
Sierra nodded, satisfied with the plan. She asked with a shy smile, changing the subject to something more lighthearted “So how long have you let your hair grow out?” She contemplated continuing on, and eventually decided why not. She commented softly “It’s looks good on you, you should keep it like that.”
He chuckled softly at her compliment, he was unused to such things these days. "You like it? I have been letting it go for a few years, thank you." He replied with a smile as he looked over at her. "Your hair is very nice too you know, the color is beautiful and not one often seen."
He chuckled softly at her compliment, he was unused to such things these days. "You like it? I have been letting it go for a few years, thank you." He replied with a smile as he looked over at her. "Your hair is very nice too you know, the color is beautiful and not one often seen."
Leah smiled once he thanked her for her compliment, joyed she could make him less nervous and perhaps even more confident. She blushed at his compliment, responding bashfully "Thank you." She didn't know what else to say, simply holding his gaze as they focused on one another. Her eyes finally managed to meet his, her piercing blue ones meeting his brown (I think he had brown eyes). There was finally silence in the forest, gunshots nowhere to be heard, brawls nonexistent. The peace was nice for a change, it was something she appreciated, she thought, as she lost herself in his charming eyes, thinking.
Eva nodded, looking around them as if Horius was hunting them. It seemed safe, at least for the time being. Not wanting to talk about Horius any longer, she asked simply "We have water at the cabin to clean the rifle with right?"
"Correct." River said simply. She trailed her eyes over the surrounding forest, lingering on the darkest shadows.
One never knew when an enemy was hiding, wait for the perfect moment to launch their attack. Whether it be with knives, guns, or with their hands, anyone could be deadly. Anyone could kill.
It was best to keep your eyes open, better safe than sorry.
"Correct." River said simply. She trailed her eyes over the surrounding forest, lingering on the darkest shadows. One never knew when an enemy was hiding, wait for the perfect moment to launch their attack. Whether it be with knives, guns, or with their hands, anyone could be deadly. Anyone could kill. It was best to keep your eyes open, better safe than sorry.
(Want them to head back so mayyyyyybbee Lucas can get a clue? XD)
(NOO make him understand directly) Eva and River returned to the cabin, where Eva went to a water bucket to clean off her rifle while River...(*cough cough * go talk to Lucas)
River silently walked up to Lucas, who had finished skinning the deer and was now stretching. "She likes you." She snickered.
"What?" Lucas asked, whirling around.
"Oh, you heard me, Mister I`m-Blind-As-A-Bat."
"I still don`t get what you mean." He said slyly, giving his sister a look that meant not to not draw attention.
River noticed this look, and kept her voice down, but kept talking. "Eva, she likes you, don`t tell me you haven`t noticed. She`s like, really likes you." She gave him an amused look.
"You`ve got to be wrong. She just thinks she owes me because I saved her. That`s all."
"Oh man, you really are blind as a bat. She just told me she really likes you." With that, River turned on her heels and walked off. (She is open to RP with, to anyone who wants to RP with her.)
Lucas stared after her. He glanced at Eva.
River silently walked up to Lucas, who had finished skinning the deer and was now stretching. "She likes you." She snickered.
"What?" Lucas asked, whirling around.
"Oh, you heard me, Mister I`m-Blind-As-A-Bat."
"I still don`t get what you mean." He said slyly, giving his sister a look that meant not to not draw attention.
River noticed this look, and kept her voice down, but kept talking. "Eva, she likes you, don`t tell me you haven`t noticed. She`s like, really likes you." She gave him an amused look.
"You`ve got to be wrong. She just thinks she owes me because I saved her. That`s all."
"Oh man, you really are blind as a bat. She just told me she really likes you." With that, River turned on her heels and walked off. (She is open to RP with, to anyone who wants to RP with her.)
Lucas stared after her. He glanced at Eva.
(Poor him he’s clueless XD @FrankieDoodle has Stephen open and I have Luna) Eva finished cleaning her rifle and began checking the chamber to make sure it worked, which it did. She then used a small cloth she had found from inside the cabin to start drying it off, oblivious about what River had said to Lucas.

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