Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

The woman pulled out her dagger. Persepolis darted out of her reach. She ran behind her. Grabbed her arm. Twisted it. Took the dagger. She threw it. It landed behind a boulder.
The woman retaliated. She spun, facing Persepolis. She swung her fist at her. Persepolis ducked. Persepolis took a swing at the woman. Her closed first connected with the woman's stomach. The woman got really angry. She rushed at her. Persepolis' eyesight sharpened. Her hearing became more focused. Her breathing was controlled. The woman was almost on top of her. Persepolis dropped to the ground, doing a forward roll past the woman. She stood, spinning to face the woman.
The woman now had her gun pointed at Persepolis' head.

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