Light blinded chicks, please help!

Unfortunately the farm store here is closed on weekends and I highly doubt they carry any of those anyway. I tried a city Agro centre but they don't have any of them either. Ahhhh, this is so stressful!
The super booster in the water contains penicillin G potassium as well as streptomycin sulfate....does anyone know if this will this help or not? I'm trying to call the hatchery where I received them from but its not open yet.

The blood in the stool looked nothing like those pics. It was more a pinkish smear in light brown watery stool.

And how do you get them to eat yogurt? That I actually have!

As for heat, it's around 90-85. Any lower and they cluster in a pile, so I think it's good....but what do I know! GAH!
First of all calm down, your babies will probably be fine. I think it does sound like they were sunburned but if 3 have recovered then the rest may be okay too. I am certainly no expert but my first goal would be to get them to eat. I wouldn't treat for coccidia unless I had a pretty good feeling that is what they have. You don't want to keep stressing them out. To get them to eat yogurt you can mix it in with some crumbles and dip their beak in it. They seem to like moist crumbles too so you can try that. Don't leave it in though, what they don't eat within a 1/2 hour dispose of it. Mine always loved boiled egg, especially the yolk, you can chop that up fine and feed them. It is high in protein and they love it. I would just closely watch for a few hours, if you need to separate the healthier ones then do, if more seem to come around I would doubt coccidia. Just so you know they all poop stinky brown slime every few poops, so that is normal. I was so relieved when I read that-I thought all my babies were dying!

Relax, we all make mistakes. You are doing what you can for them and they are pretty resiliant.

Thank you...and you're so right, I do really need to relax and chill. lol

Well they seem to be doing a wee bit better (all digits crossed) 4 are now eating/drinking on their own...which brings me to another question.

How exactly do you feed a listless chick that won't open its beak or attempt to peck?

Also, I added a mason jar of grit and the more active 4 went crazy for the stuff. But will they self limit? and how much is too much?

Again, thank you everyone for taking the time to read my thread and offer advice. Very appreciated.
If you put some gentle pressure laterally at the jaw hinge they will open the beak, be VERY careful. The offer moistened food by dropper.

Your big problem is going to be burns and dehydration, so electrolytes in the water , even if homemade, will help. Failing this, a *tiny* bit of sugar in their water, maybe 1 tsp per quart.


And I would scold your friend and caution her not to advise anyone else about using UV around chicks...
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My friend said this once..
I had the brilliant idea of using a 60 watt black light to warm my chicks at night. Checked the box for warnings...none. Googled it--said it would be safe. Ended up with temporarily blind chicks which fortunately recovered after a week It causes severe burning and is extremely painful for them. These are the same lights you use to make posters glow in the dark.

edited to add...

at 4 days old, I'd think it would take longer to get cocci? I know it's so hard when it's your own..
To look at someone's post, it's often easier to see what's wrong.. but let it happen to my babiez?? LOL I panic first.. then think rationally.

I'm glad they are eating and drinking....

The learning curve is very painful sometimes! Good Luck!
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Turns out it wasn't necessary to assist with feeding because within a hour they were all digging into the crumble with gusto. Yay! All are drinking as well. Likely a bad case of sunburn as was suggested. Poor little things....I wish I hadn't hung that darn light.

Great tips LynneP, thank you. Hopefully I will not need to do that for these little chickies, but always good to know how.

Well rational thought has returned! LoL Mostly anyhoo.

Thank you everyone for your help.

PS: the grit is gone! There is alot of conflicting info out there whether to give or not, but seeing as their on chick starter and not going to be eating other stuff for awhile, I'll hold off. Curiously, what age do you usually start grit?

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