Light Sussex Thread!!!

I'm so very happy you posted the results on these two. Granted yours are older than mine, but I was about to take one back that looks just like yours. I'll wait til I hear a crow or see an egg!
OK, so now I'm very confused about this chook, so I'm re-posting to the Light Sussex thread to get some input from even more experts! I've heard they are hard to sex until much older. What are the chances this is an early-developing female???

Of the 3 Light Sussex, One is clearly male, one is clearly female, and this one is a wonder. VERY WELL developed - always big an "motherly" since the beginning. Her name is Butterball. Wattles/comb are between the other two. Tail has been big early on, now with green in the black (is that a roo sign??)

Sweet chook - I'm hoping she's a she!

This phot is 11 weeks:

The BOY and the GIRL. The one in question is preening in the foreground

Here is the face:

And here s/he is chillin' with the girls, while the roos were hanging out next to my chair (long tail in the middle):
My new ""Show Quality"" Light Sussex hatched 26/11 are growing fast.
I had to separate them from their hatch mates as they are now four times their size!
Can't wait to cross a few with my new Indian Game and produce a few ""classic"" meat chooks!
Hi I'm new to the tread. I hatched my first LS 10 December and kept a rooster and one pullet. (Rest were roos

Fred and Wilma are lovely and so much larger than the dark barred Plymouth rocks hatched at the same time

I had a question though about colouring that runs below the neck feathers to back feathers ! Is this a colour fault?







Hi from Ga. We have 50+ Australian Light Sussex. All are pure .

They are big and friendly birds. I've sold  37 Light Sussex in the last month. They are great birds.

Where did you get your Light Sussex? Were they eggs, or were they day old chicks? I'm looking for day old Light Sussex chicks, and I can't seem to find them anywhere.
FarmerBoyChicks It's been a few years since we had Australian Light Sussex. We got them as birds of all ages from Jordan Farm. Have no Idea where you can get them these days.

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