Lights/Deterrents for Foxes

Jun 15, 2022
Does anyone know if flashing lights will scare a fox away? Or any other deterrent we can put up quickly while working on our hardware cloth? We have an electric poultry fence creating a large area for our chickens, and then a run attached to the coop, and last night there was a fox inside the fencing (not the run). I guess the fence got grounded by the snow and possibly the fox figured out to jump over it. I have a hardware cloth skirt on some sections of the run, but I haven’t been able to finish it yet due to weather. Our coop is a horse stall in our barn that faces the outside, so it might be possible for a fox to dig in there if they can dig under the run. I’m just hoping the ground is frozen enough right now that it can’t do that. This ended up longer than I intended; my chickies are my babies and I’m so distressed. Especially since we’ve had the electric fence for two and a half years and this is our first breach. Thanks I’m advance.
:welcome! I think if you vary the deterrents it might help for a short period…like do flashing lights, then maybe a radio…I once put some balloons out. If they feel insecure because of the new objects they might be less likely to start nosing around. Hopefully someone with more experience will be along soon with more advice :)!
At first the flashing lights will work well but... if the fox comes around on a regular basis the fox will get used to the lights flashing at him and will think nothing of it anymore. It will just become a part of roaming in the area.
As you can't kill foxes, as it's illegal, I would consider a live trap and relocating the animal about 30 miles away. There's not a chance it will come back and you will not have to worry about it anymore and you didn't do anything illegal. We wouldn't want to do anything like that. It's good for everyone, the fox, you, and your chickens, and other animals if you have any.
Does anyone know if flashing lights will scare a fox away? Or any other deterrent we can put up quickly while working on our hardware cloth? We have an electric poultry fence creating a large area for our chickens, and then a run attached to the coop, and last night there was a fox inside the fencing (not the run). I guess the fence got grounded by the snow and possibly the fox figured out to jump over it. I have a hardware cloth skirt on some sections of the run, but I haven’t been able to finish it yet due to weather. Our coop is a horse stall in our barn that faces the outside, so it might be possible for a fox to dig in there if they can dig under the run. I’m just hoping the ground is frozen enough right now that it can’t do that. This ended up longer than I intended; my chickies are my babies and I’m so distressed. Especially since we’ve had the electric fence for two and a half years and this is our first breach. Thanks I’m advance.
I had my coop built when my chicks arrived but I was racing against the clock to finish the run and apron.Locking them in a secure coop at night doesn't require any lights or hardware cloth on the run. As a temporary measure during the day use electric poultry fencing around the run and double layers of bird netting on top while you work on the apron.I used a staple gun and tie ties to attach my hardware cloth then went back over it with heavy staples.It took 6 months start to finish to build my coop and run (using scrap lumber took much longer)

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