Limping chicken


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2024
One of my chickens started limping and has some discomfort on her leg. I checked her leg and she doesn’t have any bruising or anything out of the ordinary on her leg. She stays in a coop with other chickens and I haven’t noticed any bullying she also is currently raising a chick. Is there anything I can give her or do for her to help her?
One of my chickens started limping and has some discomfort on her leg. I checked her leg and she doesn’t have any bruising or anything out of the ordinary on her leg. She stays in a coop with other chickens and I haven’t noticed any bullying she also is currently raising a chick. Is there anything I can give her or do for her to help her?
Is there any chance she could've jumped off of something high and hurt her leg? She might have twisted or sprained it. Is she still able to move her foot and toes, or are they parylyzed?
You could give her an epsom salt bath, but I'm worried that will stress out her and her chick, and the least stressful option might be the best thing you can do.
If she's still eating and drinking, looks bright eyed and healthy, I wouldn't be too worried. I've had a hen with a limp walk perfectly normal in only four days with just some supportive care and herbs. Keep an eye on her and update us if you see improvement or anything alarming.
Is there any chance she could've jumped off of something high and hurt her leg? She might have twisted or sprained it. Is she still able to move her foot and toes, or are they parylyzed?
You could give her an epsom salt bath, but I'm worried that will stress out her and her chick, and the least stressful option might be the best thing you can do.
If she's still eating and drinking, looks bright eyed and healthy, I wouldn't be too worried. I've had a hen with a limp walk perfectly normal in only four days with just some supportive care and herbs. Keep an eye on her and update us if you see improvement or anything alarming.
Thank you for the advice. She’s still moving both feet. She’s also still eating and drinking but with some discomfort and difficulty as every time she moves her leg she kinda stumbles. I have a swinging branch for them, so, she could have fallen from that. I’ll look in to the salt bath and see the best way I could do it. What herbs did you give your chicken?

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