Limping rooster


Mar 1, 2023
My rooster got in a little squabble with my big roosters and now he is limping he can still lift it up and hope on it so I don’t think that’s is is broken and it doesn’t feel like it is out of socket note he can kind of move it any suggestions I tried tying it up so he can move but he just freaked out and kept fall of and flapping its wing so I try to look for a vet or give it certain medicine
My rooster got in a little squabble with my big roosters and now he is limping he can still lift it up and hope on it so I don’t think that’s is is broken and it doesn’t feel like it is out of socket note he can kind of move it any suggestions I tried tying it up so he can move but he just freaked out and kept fall of and flapping its wing so I try to look for a vet or give it certain medicine
If you can catch him, or wait until tonight when he's in the coop to get him, I'd soak that leg in warm Epsom salt water for a few minutes. That should help it feel better and provide you a good opportunity to inspect it closer.

Regardless, I'd put him in a small dog pen like cage or box with a screen lid or something along those lines and keep him from moving around so much. It may have been strained and just needs to heal. You could give him 1/4 of a B-complex vitamin of yours if you have any.

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