Little Coop In The Big Woods

Wasn't planning on insulating any of it. The teens in the winter around here is about as bad as it gets and that doesn't happen much. In the summer the shade all around it keeps the site cool---or at least cooler. It's a thought tho....
I'm definitely laying the flooring then doing the walls. It seems to me a great way to seal the floor and cut down on moisture and rot between the floor and the linoleum. How did you run the flooring up the wall? I just can't decide about using the space under the coop. I went up 18 inches at the lowest point but the frame cuts it back to 12. it's probably still 20-24 inches at the higher end. It seems a waste not to use it but I also think the hens are going to think the same thing and start nest under it. Still pondering that one
nice spot. 30 years ago when I was a teen, we raised meat turkeys in a similar spot. Like someone else said, think Fort Knox. We lost a few turkeys the 1st year to coons, until we tightened it up.
Build Faster please,.. can't wait for the end of this good coop story!
One of my coops is raised up 18" off the ground (first time I raised a coop - now wouldn't do one less than 24") and from time to time they do lay in that space.

I keep a garden rake nearby and use that to reach in and get the eggs when necessary. Also at one end the wall is actually a door that stays closed/locked most of the time but in those emergencies it gives two points of entry to get to the hens/eggs if need be.

Am subscribed and watching, keep up the good work.
My first coop was also 18" above the ground and I gotta tell ya', it was the chickens favorite place to dust bathe and hang out when it was raining!! The loved it!! They even went under there when it was snowing outside....I just blocked off the drifting sides and they'd hang out under there during the winter months too.

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