Little hen doesn't fit in


10 Years
May 9, 2014
Upper Peninsula of MI
I have an adult hen. She’s very small. She had been with the main flock since last fall. All of a sudden she was getting bald spots. After watching the cameras we realized she was being attacked by the flock. We brought her inside for a while. When we put it back they literally attacked her like she was a threat! They all joined in. It was horrible. So we put her in with the geriatric chickens. A silkie rooster, an 8 yr old half silkie hen and an old salmon. It was good for over a week then they started pecking her. She has bald spots all over. I don’t know what to do with her. She can’t live inside forever. The first time she came in she laid a lash egg. They laid good eggs after that. When I brought her inside this time she had a prolapse. Can they be picking on her because she’s sick with something?
How old is she? And do you share a special bond with her?

As she appears to have several ongoing health issues which impede finding her a new home, and all your birds reject her as well you might consider culling.

I know that my proposition might not be very popular with some chicken lovers, but in some cases I consider it the best solution for all involved.
How old is she? And do you share a special bond with her?

As she appears to have several ongoing health issues which impede finding her a new home, and all your birds reject her as well you might consider culling.

I know that my proposition might not be very popular with some chicken lovers, but in some cases I consider it the best solution for all involved.
This is exactly what I would have suggested.

To answer the OP’s question, yes, the other birds can sense she is unhealthy and possibly dying. They are trying to remove her from the flock.
Thank you. I kind of knew this but hoped there might be a better solution. She’s only a year old. Very small. I always get too attached when I care for them inside. Another thing that is strange with her is her wing feathers never open (not sure if that’s the right word) but half way down from her body the wings are like they’re still in the shaft, then they fluff out.
Thank you. I kind of knew this but hoped there might be a better solution. She’s only a year old. Very small. I always get too attached when I care for them inside. Another thing that is strange with her is her wing feathers never open (not sure if that’s the right word) but half way down from her body the wings are like they’re still in the shaft, then they fluff out.
Thank you. I kind of knew this but hoped there might be a better solution. She’s only a year old. Very small. I always get too attached when I care for them inside. Another thing that is strange with her is her wing feathers never open (not sure if that’s the right word) but half way down from her body the wings are like they’re still in the shaft, then they fluff out.
What you describe has me thinking that she was a runt from the start that only managed to survive to her actual age because of your exceptional care and dedication. And of course this will lead to a more special bond.
But there comes a time when we have to accept that keeping them alive at all costs will just prolong their suffering. We have to consider their quality of life over our own feeling of not wanting to let go.


I don't see this bird being successful in a flock. She may very well have parasites, often times weakened birds do which just compounds the problem.

I would not expect her to live a long time, if you did separate her from others. I too, vote for the coup de grace. She looks miserable and unhealthy.

Mrs K

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