logistics of introducing chicks to a surrogate


7 Years
Jan 29, 2018
Baltimore, MD
We have a broody hen and are introducing her to chicks that are one day old tomorrow. She has never been a mother and feel safer making the introductions during the day so that we can keep watch rather than sneaking them under her at night. Right now she is sitting on 5 unfertilized eggs. Our plan is to show her the chicks, gauge her reaction and place them near her if it seems she is welcoming.

My question is more logistical. Since we are not planning to sneak them under her, should we remove the eggs before, during, or after we introduce the chicks. I know I am probably over thinking this, but am wanting to maximize our chances at success!
I do have a heating plate and supplies as a contingency plan. We have watched and read a lot but are open to more opinions and suggestions! Thanks!

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