Long Distance Friendships :-(

It's actually an online flash game. We've got none of that fancy Wii/Playstation stuff.... I don't think I've ever been THAT into video games

Yeah, that's true, soooo many threads get locked in RR. Arguments get so heated. But in amongst it all, there are still those gems that I love to find

As I said, my camera is hardly functioning right now, so I doubt I could do much use in that section

Snow angel! Oh, my goodness. Bringing back memories of the UK.
It was such a good place. No, we don't get snow down here unless you travel to the mountains, which I haven't done.

We just got the Playstation a few days ago. My boyfriend wanted it for a specific game. The game he's been playing non-stop since.

He's not even paying attention to me!

Haha! Whatever, at least I can be on BYC without him wanting me to do something.

I still go to RR sometimes, but I try not to go as much. Usually just makes me mad, so I'd prefer not to ruin the rest of my night.

We want to move to the UK sooooo bad!
My boyfriend also wants to go to Australia to visit, but that probably will never happen.

Oh yeah, we were like that. Ever since I got my gaming console as a kid, I was basically on there with my friend 24/7 until I turned twelve.

Awww, how tragic! Yeah, I love a bit of peace to go on BYC. It's not even my slot to use the computer, but mom has been distracted by a colleague who's bought his kid and pregnant wife to the office. I snagged the machine up so I wouldn't have to trek all the way to the library

Hmm, yeah, well there was a pretty out-of-hand thread that got closed but everything seems to be okay right now. Just a lot of rhetoric about how the end of the world never happened

Oh, I loved the UK! I hope to go back some time. Perhaps we could even meet up!

Australia is so far away from everything. Back in the UK, you drive for a few hours and you're in another country - now you gotta fly 9, 10 hours just to get out of Aussie waters!

...Wow. Time's just vanished while I've been on BYC. It was 1:30 a second ago!

You gotta do what you've gotta do to be on BYC.

I'm actually sitting here, waiting for the reply from Rebecca's mom, so I can possibly go to bed eventually.
Our plan was to stay up all night so we can get to the chinese buffet first thing in the morning, and then sleep all day. It's my day off.

I'm super tired though, so I don't think that'll happen. I'll get to about 4am and then crash, and miss out on chinese.

Maybe we can go in together and buy a house. Lol.

I'm worried about her. I wish I could be there too.

Oh, and guess what?!
I haven't had a headache at all today!

True. I usually get kinda worried if I have no way to check my regular threads for the day. Who knows what I could've missed!

Oh poor you.
I know, I can never sleep when I'm a-worrying. I have been known to stay up past three when something's on my mind.
She'll probably be all right, I mean she has been up to now, hasn't she? Try to think positive!

Chinese buffet sounds good. I love a good Chinese.

Ahah, a house. What with these interest rates, things aren't going too well on the loan front though


No headache? Awesome! That's great!
It's actually an online flash game. We've got none of that fancy Wii/Playstation stuff.... I don't think I've ever been THAT into video games

Yeah, that's true, soooo many threads get locked in RR. Arguments get so heated. But in amongst it all, there are still those gems that I love to find

As I said, my camera is hardly functioning right now, so I doubt I could do much use in that section

Snow angel! Oh, my goodness. Bringing back memories of the UK.
It was such a good place. No, we don't get snow down here unless you travel to the mountains, which I haven't done.

We just got the Playstation a few days ago. My boyfriend wanted it for a specific game. The game he's been playing non-stop since.

He's not even paying attention to me!

Haha! Whatever, at least I can be on BYC without him wanting me to do something.

I still go to RR sometimes, but I try not to go as much. Usually just makes me mad, so I'd prefer not to ruin the rest of my night.

We want to move to the UK sooooo bad!
My boyfriend also wants to go to Australia to visit, but that probably will never happen.

Oh yeah, we were like that. Ever since I got my gaming console as a kid, I was basically on there with my friend 24/7 until I turned twelve.

Awww, how tragic! Yeah, I love a bit of peace to go on BYC. It's not even my slot to use the computer, but mom has been distracted by a colleague who's bought his kid and pregnant wife to the office. I snagged the machine up so I wouldn't have to trek all the way to the library

Hmm, yeah, well there was a pretty out-of-hand thread that got closed but everything seems to be okay right now. Just a lot of rhetoric about how the end of the world never happened

Oh, I loved the UK! I hope to go back some time. Perhaps we could even meet up!

Australia is so far away from everything. Back in the UK, you drive for a few hours and you're in another country - now you gotta fly 9, 10 hours just to get out of Aussie waters!

...Wow. Time's just vanished while I've been on BYC. It was 1:30 a second ago!

You gotta do what you've gotta do to be on BYC.

I'm actually sitting here, waiting for the reply from Rebecca's mom, so I can possibly go to bed eventually.
Our plan was to stay up all night so we can get to the chinese buffet first thing in the morning, and then sleep all day. It's my day off.

I'm super tired though, so I don't think that'll happen. I'll get to about 4am and then crash, and miss out on chinese.

Maybe we can go in together and buy a house. Lol.

I'm worried about her. I wish I could be there too.

Oh, and guess what?!
I haven't had a headache at all today!

True. I usually get kinda worried if I have no way to check my regular threads for the day. Who knows what I could've missed!

Oh poor you.
I know, I can never sleep when I'm a-worrying. I have been known to stay up past three when something's on my mind.
She'll probably be all right, I mean she has been up to now, hasn't she? Try to think positive!

Chinese buffet sounds good. I love a good Chinese.

Ahah, a house. What with these interest rates, things aren't going too well on the loan front though

No headache? Awesome! That's great!

I check this thread multiple times a day, even on my phone if I'm bored. Lol.

I know she's probably fine, but I still want to know.
Plus, if I go to bed, how are you supposed to find out if she's alright and such?
I mean, if she can get on here you'd know, but not if she can't.

The economy is such crap right now.
That's why we aren't looking for houses. Nobody can really afford to.
Heck, I can barely afford gas to get to work.
True. I usually get kinda worried if I have no way to check my regular threads for the day. Who knows what I could've missed!

Oh poor you.
I know, I can never sleep when I'm a-worrying. I have been known to stay up past three when something's on my mind.
She'll probably be all right, I mean she has been up to now, hasn't she? Try to think positive!

Chinese buffet sounds good. I love a good Chinese.

Ahah, a house. What with these interest rates, things aren't going too well on the loan front though

No headache? Awesome! That's great!

I check this thread multiple times a day, even on my phone if I'm bored. Lol.

I know she's probably fine, but I still want to know.
Plus, if I go to bed, how are you supposed to find out if she's alright and such?
I mean, if she can get on here you'd know, but not if she can't.

The economy is such crap right now.
That's why we aren't looking for houses. Nobody can really afford to.
Heck, I can barely afford gas to get to work.

Yeah, this is becoming one of my regular threads. Probably my only one at the moment, I quit the other because I'm kinda growing out of teenage-girl banter.

Yeah, that's true. Tomorrow always seems like a million years away when I'm worrying and trying to get to sleep!

It is, isn't it? Can't believe the Aussie dollar went over $1.10 US! It's started to fall again though, so things are probably picking up.

Oh, yeah, gas is going insane! I can't believe that, not too long ago, gas was actually under $1.10 a litre!
I check this thread multiple times a day, even on my phone if I'm bored. Lol.

I know she's probably fine, but I still want to know.
Plus, if I go to bed, how are you supposed to find out if she's alright and such?
I mean, if she can get on here you'd know, but not if she can't.

The economy is such crap right now.
That's why we aren't looking for houses. Nobody can really afford to.
Heck, I can barely afford gas to get to work.

Yeah, this is becoming one of my regular threads. Probably my only one at the moment, I quit the other because I'm kinda growing out of teenage-girl banter.

Yeah, that's true. Tomorrow always seems like a million years away when I'm worrying and trying to get to sleep!

It is, isn't it? Can't believe the Aussie dollar went over $1.10 US! It's started to fall again though, so things are probably picking up.

Oh, yeah, gas is going insane! I can't believe that, not too long ago, gas was actually under $1.10 a litre!

So you've decided to come hang out with us grown-up girls!


I'm playing a game on Facebook.

I'm in the process of moving my homestead around, because I have nothing better to do.
I should get a hobby. Lol.

Gas was $4.28/gallon last week, and now it's $3.75/gallon. Going down, but not low enough for my liking.
Good thing I get pretty decent gas mileage in my car.
Yeah, this is becoming one of my regular threads. Probably my only one at the moment, I quit the other because I'm kinda growing out of teenage-girl banter.

Yeah, that's true. Tomorrow always seems like a million years away when I'm worrying and trying to get to sleep!

It is, isn't it? Can't believe the Aussie dollar went over $1.10 US! It's started to fall again though, so things are probably picking up.

Oh, yeah, gas is going insane! I can't believe that, not too long ago, gas was actually under $1.10 a litre!

So you've decided to come hang out with us grown-up girls!


I'm playing a game on Facebook.

I'm in the process of moving my homestead around, because I have nothing better to do.
I should get a hobby. Lol.

Gas was $4.28/gallon last week, and now it's $3.75/gallon. Going down, but not low enough for my liking.
Good thing I get pretty decent gas mileage in my car.

Oh man, what am I getting myself into?!

Yeah, my head starts doing weird things to me when I stay up that late. I do random acts of insanity like punch walls and enjoy it when my brain hasn't had enough sleep.

I've heard of Frontierville. I used to play Farmville, but that stopped a few months before I gave up on Facebook altogether. I only go on now to talk to old friends in the UK and occasionally with one of my close buddies who is a Facebook girl.

Listen to air traffic control. Liveatc.net. It's fun. And if you pick Sydney Airport, you can hear what my accent would probably be like

Wow, that's not a lot at all! A gallon is 4.5 litres, right? That would a fair bit less than $1 per litre, and over here it's $1.65 p/l. You guys have it good!
So you've decided to come hang out with us grown-up girls!


I'm playing a game on Facebook.

I'm in the process of moving my homestead around, because I have nothing better to do.
I should get a hobby. Lol.

Gas was $4.28/gallon last week, and now it's $3.75/gallon. Going down, but not low enough for my liking.
Good thing I get pretty decent gas mileage in my car.

Oh man, what am I getting myself into?!

Yeah, my head starts doing weird things to me when I stay up that late. I do random acts of insanity like punch walls and enjoy it when my brain hasn't had enough sleep.

I've heard of Frontierville. I used to play Farmville, but that stopped a few months before I gave up on Facebook altogether. I only go on now to talk to old friends in the UK and occasionally with one of my close buddies who is a Facebook girl.

Listen to air traffic control. Liveatc.net. It's fun. And if you pick Sydney Airport, you can hear what my accent would probably be like

Wow, that's not a lot at all! A gallon is 4.5 litres, right? That would a fair bit less than $1 per litre, and over here it's $1.65 p/l. You guys have it good!

Well, if you ever decide to go back to Facebook, we could be friends.

I really like the Frontierville game. One of the reasons I have a Facebook. Lol.

I listen to police scanners sometimes. It's always fun to try to figure out what the codes mean.
I wish I had an accent.
Give me yours.

It's not a lot? Hm. Seems like a lot to me.
Oh man, what am I getting myself into?!

Yeah, my head starts doing weird things to me when I stay up that late. I do random acts of insanity like punch walls and enjoy it when my brain hasn't had enough sleep.

I've heard of Frontierville. I used to play Farmville, but that stopped a few months before I gave up on Facebook altogether. I only go on now to talk to old friends in the UK and occasionally with one of my close buddies who is a Facebook girl.

Listen to air traffic control. Liveatc.net. It's fun. And if you pick Sydney Airport, you can hear what my accent would probably be like

Wow, that's not a lot at all! A gallon is 4.5 litres, right? That would a fair bit less than $1 per litre, and over here it's $1.65 p/l. You guys have it good!

Well, if you ever decide to go back to Facebook, we could be friends.

I really like the Frontierville game. One of the reasons I have a Facebook. Lol.

I listen to police scanners sometimes. It's always fun to try to figure out what the codes mean.
I wish I had an accent.
Give me yours.

It's not a lot? Hm. Seems like a lot to me.

Perhaps we could, yeah! I haven't been on for so long they've probably deleted my account to save server space though
Do you really think Facebook's worth however many billion dollars they say it is?

Liveatc.net is an online thing though, so I don't need to buy any fancy equipment. It's really great stuff!
Took me ages to actually figure out all the numbers they were rattling off, but I got there!
You DO have an accent! An American one! I would LOVE an American accent. Pwease can we trade?

Oh, let me assure you - if the fuel was 80c a litre down here, the roads would be blocked for miles out of Sydney as the entire country flocked over to fill up
(Well, maybe not from interstate, but you get my message
Well, if you ever decide to go back to Facebook, we could be friends.

I really like the Frontierville game. One of the reasons I have a Facebook. Lol.

I listen to police scanners sometimes. It's always fun to try to figure out what the codes mean.
I wish I had an accent.
Give me yours.

It's not a lot? Hm. Seems like a lot to me.

Perhaps we could, yeah! I haven't been on for so long they've probably deleted my account to save server space though
Do you really think Facebook's worth however many billion dollars they say it is?

Liveatc.net is an online thing though, so I don't need to buy any fancy equipment. It's really great stuff!
Took me ages to actually figure out all the numbers they were rattling off, but I got there!
You DO have an accent! An American one! I would LOVE an American accent. Pwease can we trade?

Oh, let me assure you - if the fuel was 80c a litre down here, the roads would be blocked for miles out of Sydney as the entire country flocked over to fill up
(Well, maybe not from interstate, but you get my message

You should go check to see if you've even still got one. Them let me know.
Squishy has one too. Maybe she'll add you! She plays some games too. She got me to play this Fantasy Kingdom game.
I'm not good at it, but I'm learning.

We can switch accents! I hate mine.
It's always funny when we go to Alabama or Tennessee to see my boyfriend's family, and I go in to a fast food place to order stuff.
Every worker stops what they're doing and looks at me. It's like they know I'm a northerner or something.
Perhaps we could, yeah! I haven't been on for so long they've probably deleted my account to save server space though
Do you really think Facebook's worth however many billion dollars they say it is?

Liveatc.net is an online thing though, so I don't need to buy any fancy equipment. It's really great stuff!
Took me ages to actually figure out all the numbers they were rattling off, but I got there!
You DO have an accent! An American one! I would LOVE an American accent. Pwease can we trade?

Oh, let me assure you - if the fuel was 80c a litre down here, the roads would be blocked for miles out of Sydney as the entire country flocked over to fill up
(Well, maybe not from interstate, but you get my message

You should go check to see if you've even still got one. Them let me know.
Squishy has one too. Maybe she'll add you! She plays some games too. She got me to play this Fantasy Kingdom game.
I'm not good at it, but I'm learning.

We can switch accents! I hate mine.
It's always funny when we go to Alabama or Tennessee to see my boyfriend's family, and I go in to a fast food place to order stuff.
Every worker stops what they're doing and looks at me. It's like they know I'm a northerner or something.

Perhaps, someday soon.
Absolutely run-down trying to multitask!

Oh, Farmville was the bomb when I was in eighth grade, everyone had it and your social status was practically determined by how many neighbours you had

Oh, what I'd give for a northerner American accent! I mean, southern isn't too bad, but those new yorkers are too cute.
You should go check to see if you've even still got one. Them let me know.
Squishy has one too. Maybe she'll add you! She plays some games too. She got me to play this Fantasy Kingdom game.
I'm not good at it, but I'm learning.

We can switch accents! I hate mine.
It's always funny when we go to Alabama or Tennessee to see my boyfriend's family, and I go in to a fast food place to order stuff.
Every worker stops what they're doing and looks at me. It's like they know I'm a northerner or something.

Perhaps, someday soon.
Absolutely run-down trying to multitask!

Oh, Farmville was the bomb when I was in eighth grade, everyone had it and your social status was practically determined by how many neighbours you had

Oh, what I'd give for a northerner American accent! I mean, southern isn't too bad, but those new yorkers are too cute.

It's during the day where you're at, isn't it?
It's about 3am here.

I know most of the people on my friends list.
Some I have added just because of the games though. You can't really get far unless you get other neighbors. I hate it, but oh well.

I'm not that far north, but apparently I sound different enough that people always ask where I'm from when I go down south.
It's pretty embarrassing..

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